Georgia: Two (more) Afghan military trainees disappear – IOTW Report

Georgia: Two (more) Afghan military trainees disappear

Creeping Sharia: Air Force officials say the Department of Homeland Security has taken the lead role in the search for two Afghan men who disappeared while training with the U.S. military at a base in south Georgia.


The men – who were part of a group of 23 from Afghanistan who have been at the base since February – have now been identified as Mirwais Kohistani and Shirzad Rohullah.  read more


18 Comments on Georgia: Two (more) Afghan military trainees disappear

  1. Well, no peculiar pattern here. Missing muslim pilots, muslims buying 150 cell phones at a walmart, loads of stolen propane tanks.

    They’re obviously just planning a barbecue for New Years’s Eve, and needed to call all their friends at the same time, or something. Probably ‘or something.’

  2. Thanks for bringing up the cell phone purchases! Heard that from just few siurces. They are planning something. But we don’t need to worry because Obama is in charge and the media is worried about trump.m

  3. Well, they’ll be able to vote in the next election, help local jobs by spending with EBT cards, they’ll call their 8 year old girlfriends on the free cell phones, join a local mosque for a propane cookout and discuss sharia with large crowds of shoppers.

  4. OAN news was referring to the base as being near Atlanta.
    Valdosta is quote a ways from Atlanta. Like the Hollywood approach to movies and television shows supposedly set in Florida but they infer that Disney World is practically next to Miami.

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