Georgia’s Spending Increases on Failed Mental Health Programs & No One is Getting Better – IOTW Report

Georgia’s Spending Increases on Failed Mental Health Programs & No One is Getting Better


It’s so predictable.  Everything is falling in line with standard school shooter law enforcement procedures. Zero information is being publicly provided regarding the Georgia shooter, Colt Gray’s, mental health background and prescription psychiatric drug use. The information that is being made available suggests that Gray is just another in a long line of school shooters, raised in a troubled, drug addicted home, visited by ineffective state family services representatives and, probably, drugged to correct inappropriate behavior.

More to the point, if there are no deviations from the cookie-cutter investigation now occurring and standard mental health information being withheld, the outcome of this shooting will lead to a State Commission set up to investigate the cause of the shooting which will, ultimately, recommend increased mental health funding.

Even though rivers of money are flowing through communities and schools across the nation to insure children get all the mental health they can stand, the smartest guys in the room continually recommend increased funding for mental health services. Yet, no matter how much money is thrown at mental health services, if one just briefly peruses the available data, the rate of mental illness is increasing, not decreasing, and nobody is getting better. more here

11 Comments on Georgia’s Spending Increases on Failed Mental Health Programs & No One is Getting Better

  1. Yet, no matter how much money is thrown at mental health services, if one just briefly peruses the available data, the rate of mental illness is increasing, not decreasing, and nobody is getting better.

    That means the kleptocrats are successful at managing their crisis funding sources.

  2. As intended.
    Everything the left touches turns to
    💩. I usually get around to asking people I meet to name me one giant city that’s Democrat controlled for decades that’s not a hellhole. Pro tip, they are all Dem.
    No one came up with one.

  3. ‘No one is getting better’ because they don’t perceive themselves as the one who needs help.
    They view everyone else as ‘the problem.’

    Their mantra is – if only everyone else were like them.

  4. “Mental health care” is an even bigger and more destructive fraud than COVID is, and thats saying something.

    Its mentally ill psychopaths being paid richly to make children as ill as they are.

    Its government approved and sanctioned payments for validating perversion and narcissism.

    Its a wide spectrum of drugs being used to force accepted behaviors that cause permanant brain damage and must be taken for LIFE.

    Its drug companies and the politicians they support having an endless stream of taxpayer income with absolutely NO responsibility for the people they destroy, or drive insane so they destroy others.

    And its a breeding pool where the alphabets can find the next shooter to groom and arm when its politically advantageous to create the next crisis.

    …one thing that went unremarked at the time was that Obamacare removed ALL time and spending limits that insurers used to impose on “mental health care”, which is when it became Katy bar the door for expensive and deadly SSRIs and unlimlited “counseling” by persons of dubious training that, along with a change from DSM IV to DSM V begin a sea change in “mental health care” where mental illness was celebrated instead of cured, perversion and dysphoria “normalized” and the only people being condemed by the “mental health community” and the Democrat media were those that protested their children being groomed and turned by the very “professionals” that were SUPPOSED to be HELPING them.

    …leading to children being forcibly taken from their parents, placed with perverts, given highly experimental and sterelizing drugs and even completely unethical surgeries without even INFORMING the parents and the parents being jailed if they complained, all courtesy of the “Mental Health Care Community”.

    …meanwhile the truly insane, the psychotic, the delusional, the violently mentally ill are left to wander the streets at will by deliberate deinstitutionalization, to kill or to die as their madness compels them, protected from the legal consequences of the harm they do others by the very mental illnesses that the “mental health community” refused to treat in the FIRST place, allowed to roam freely and defecate at will bu Democrats to create a crises environment that Democrats use to get elected and extract MORE taxpayer money, and the vicious cycle begins anew.

    …no, there is no such thing as “Mental Health Care”.

    There is only another noble idea that has been basterdized and corrupted by Democrats to serve their own narcissistic and grandiose power-addicted needs.

  5. I believe praying to God for help would be an excellent form of therapy and would cure 95% of emotionally disturbed people.

    But the government won’t allow any mental health “experts” to prescribe it or discuss it, and most of them wouldn’t mention it even if allowed to.

  6. Well let’s examine the results for the:
    “War On Drugs”
    “War On Poverty”
    – – Programs for This, That and the other thing….
    Everyone of these programs have spent boatloads of over-taxed payer money with nothing to show for it! The objective is not to solve a problem, quite the opposite! This is all about Cloward-Piven strategy to “over-load the system, destroy Capitalism and bring down the United States by looting the Treasury with more layers of bureaucracy, more “Task Forces” and more skimming off the top.

    When it comes to programs, the question of “are you better off today than you were four years ago?” really

    should be “Are you better off today than you were fifty fukin years ago??”

  7. It’s not the kids; it’s the schools.

    When I was in high school, there were weird kids. But they didn’t shoot the place up. There were other kids who brought guns to school, during hunting season, openly displayed on the gun rack in the back of their old pick up trucks. They didn’t shoot the place up either.

    Back then, they didn’t streamline all kids into the same curriculum. Some had half-days at school in a work-study program. Some did VoTech, others Advanced Placement, others Independent Study. Some dropped out. I don’t think any of them were drugged by prescribed pharmaceuticals; some smoked a bit of weak weed or pilfered the parents’ alcohol but generally not during school hours.

    There were a lot of weird kids but no bitter, enraged loners who were held against their will in the wrong class for years. They were eccentric and goofy and had a healthy sense of cynicism and engaged in pranks got in a bit of trouble. They were my friends and me. And we rebelled against and argued with the teachers, who looked and acted like our boring parents.

    But when you force kids to attend factory schools taught by green haired culture warriors, and measure and judge them by standardized tests with the single goal of sending them off to a four year campus party and then sticking them with the bill, you’re going to create a few monsters.


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