Geraldo Has Little Brain Power – IOTW Report

Geraldo Has Little Brain Power

Filling in for Jesse Watters, Kimberly Guilfoyle’s guest, a liberal reporter, says her source in the white house can confirm that wiretapping of Trump took place.

Kimberly turns to Geraldo for the, I guess, douchebag perspective, and Geraldo does not disappoint.

Geraldo demands that TRUMP explain himself and admit he misspoke about the wiretapping. On the heels of this ridiculousness Geraldo explains that it is difficult to get a FISA warrant, so Obama must have had something “explosive” on Trump to get the warrant.

Can you feel the cognitive dissonance?

On one hand Trump is a blowhard who was never wiretapped, and on the other hand Obama must have had something explosive on Trump to have wiretapped him.


Geraldo has a broken nose for news.

37 Comments on Geraldo Has Little Brain Power

  1. Geraldo plays both sides of the road, and therefore cannot be trusted — is he a liberal or a conservative?? Nobody knows.

    All I know is that people who ride the middle will get run-over – H/t to Rush

  2. Was this the same segment in which a conservative commenter (I don’t remember who, but it was a guy very familiar with the FISA process) came on and said Jerry Rivers’ commentary was “idiotic”? He basically called him a moron.

  3. Reality challenged, Jerry is.

    For all the years with reported numbers, there have been over 35 thousand electronic surveillance requests submitted to the FISA court. Twelve were turned down. Twelve. Out of more than 35,000.

    Yeah, boy. It sure is hard to get a FISA wiretap approval.

  4. Fox News should start making movie shorts in the mode of Laurel and Hardy, or Our Gang comedies.
    They could start with the Search for Geraldo’s Brain.

    (Spoiler alert – they find it collecting dust in Al Capone’s empty vault)

  5. @Loretta in Indiana

    “Geraldo plays both sides of the road, and therefore cannot be trusted — is he a liberal or a conservative?? Nobody knows”

    We Know. Nobody doubts it either. Nobody knew he could not be trusted. Nobody knows anything about everything.

  6. Oh sure, Obama HAD TO wire tap Trump because he thought Trump was colluding with the Ruskies. Not because Obama was trying to assist the Hillary campaign. Oh no. Obama had no choice, because, ah…National Security! That’s it, National Security! That’s the ticket!

  7. I think all this helps to explain the furious reaction from the left ever since their candidate lost. They were all convinced that Hillary was inevitable, so why worry about potentially illegal skullduggery? After all, who was going to catch them, when they controlled the government. After the election, panic set in. Almost entertaining to watch them squirm.

  8. At least in professional wrestling you get the satisfaction of seeing the face beat the stuffing out of the heal. On Fox New the heal just gets to bleat on and on and gets you more and more angry at him.

  9. Stopped watching O’R in 2005, then the entire Fox News in 2008. Fox Business is good, though. The regular Fox will continue to move left with the “progressive” sons of Rupe in charge.

  10. Lest we forget the day that self acclaimed “war corespondent” Rivera was spirited out of Iraq for stupidly revealing the US unit’s next day battle plan on national television while being embedded with them. Many in the military wanted him charged with aiding and abetting the enemy. Idiot Rivera still brags about being a war corespondent. A war criminal would be more appripro.

  11. Hey Jerry Rivers, pick up the rotary dial phone, Al Capone’s vault is callin. What a jerk.

    Is it just me or is Fox News getting unbearable to watch? They have this idiot, Juan, Harf, Beckle and countless other Lefty anti-Trumpers who come on the air and repeat the Mainstream Media lies ad nauseam in an effort to make it nearly impossible for a Trump Presidency to succeed.

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