German army chief ‘fed up’ with neglect of country’s military – IOTW Report

German army chief ‘fed up’ with neglect of country’s military

BERLIN (Reuters) – The chief of the German army vented his frustration over what he sees as the long-running neglect of military readiness in his country in an unusual public rant a few hours after Russia invaded Ukraine, adding that the army was in bad shape.

Russian forces invaded Ukraine by land, air and sea on Thursday, confirming the worst fears of the West with the biggest attack by one state against another in Europe since World War Two.

“In my 41th year of peace-time service, I would not have thought that I would have to experience a war,” Lieutenant General Alfons Mais said on LinkedIn on Thursday.

“And the Bundeswehr, the army which I have the honour to command, is standing there more or less empty-handed. The options we can offer the government in support of the alliance are extremely limited.” more

20 Comments on German army chief ‘fed up’ with neglect of country’s military

  1. We’ve got a Division of Hold My Beer SJWs in our Defense Dept. that put Germany’s to shame. Cause nothing says you’re ready for The Show like marching in high heels, women in the Marines & Rangers and female ship captains having hissy fits at sea.

  2. “The chief of the German army vented his frustration over what he sees as the long-running neglect of military readiness in his country in an unusual public rant a few hours after Russia invaded Ukraine, adding that the army was in bad shape.”

    Probably really not something the Germans want to admit in public for the Russians to hear.

  3. This is the German Armed Forces that a Communist, Angela Merkle, wanted while she invited a million Islamic savages to repopulate a country she obviously hated. Merkle did more to make Germany unrecognizable since Adolf Hitler. Stroll around Berlin or Hamburg and see what she accomplished, and another million Mohammedans are on their way.

  4. The last 3 German Ministers of defence have been Wamen, because feelings, and equality, and All men Bad.

    And wait until they introduce Electric re-chargable Tanks.

  5. Kcir – Keep on ROGAN in the Free world!
    FEBRUARY 26, 2022 AT 10:20 AM

    “And wait until they introduce Electric re-chargable Tanks.”

    …German tech always was, and is, overly complicated and sometimes crippled otherwise solid ideas. The Panther rollout towards the end of the war saw Germany field some hardware that was devastating when it worked, but that wasn’t too often that it did.

    I work with tech from around the world every day, including German.

    All I can say is, you wanna win the next war quick, skip the tank battles and just kill the mechanics.

    The mechanized units will be bricked in a week.

  6. SNS,

    I have friends that own German cars.
    Expensive to buy,
    Expensive to maintain,
    Expensive to pay the Leases,
    But they drive beautifully when they work.

    I’ll just stick to my Ford V-8’s without Turbo, Direct injection, or Hybrid and save $6,000 a year.

    1 correction that you already made, Tech not Mechanic because of the modern shit.

  7. More idiocy from our side

    The National Defense University (NDU) is a specialty academic institution founded by the US Department of Defense and funded by the US taxpayers.

    NDU’s aim is to provide advanced education for senior leaders in the field of national security.

    So naturally their big focus now is making the world safer… through Socialism.

    Earlier this month, NDU hosted an event called, “Responding to China: The Case For Global Justice and Democratic Socialism.”

    During the event, French economist Thomas Piketty argued that global security requires “promoting a new emancipatory and egalitarian horizon on a global scale, a new form of democratic and participatory, ecological and post-colonial socialism.”

    He argued that if the US sticks to its “dated hyper-capitalist model, Western countries may find it extremely difficult to meet the Chinese challenge.”

  8. What military? The U.S. bases, like K-town, have been Germany’s military since WWII, without which they couldn’t afford all the socialist welfare they have for citizens and Muslim invaders. So pay up like President Trump demanded or STFU. Plus as long as Germans elect Green party and Merkel ‘s political compatriots a German military is a page out of a WWII history book.


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