German comedian could be charged with “insulting a representative of a foreign state” – IOTW Report

German comedian could be charged with “insulting a representative of a foreign state”

How dare a comedian do jokes about Turkey’s Erdogan!!

Wait, was this law in place when Bush was president? I’m sure Bush was a representative of a foreign state. And I’m sure he was made fun of in Germany.


A German prosecutor has launched an investigation against a famous TV comedian on suspicion of insulting Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan due to a satirical poem  he read last Thursday.

Jan Boehmermann, a comedian and a presenter on the ZDF public broadcaster in Germany, could be charged with “insulting a representative of a foreign state” after a prosecutor in Mainz, where ZDF is based, launched the investigation.

During his weekly show Neo Magazin Royal, Böhmermann read a poem which made crude sexual jokes about Turkey’s president.

The Mainz prosecutor on Wednesday said the office had received some 20 complaints from “private individuals” about Böhmermann’s poem, automatically triggering the opening of preliminary proceedings.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel criticized Böhmermann’s satirical poem and Merkel’s spokesman, Steffen Seibert, said the chancellor and Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu agreed in a phone call on Sunday evening that the text of the poem was “deliberately offensive.”

Merkel’s criticism came at a time when she is accused of turning a blind eye to rights violations in Turkey because Germany needs Turkey’s assistance to stop the flow of refugees to Europe.


ht. The Big Owe

7 Comments on German comedian could be charged with “insulting a representative of a foreign state”

  1. Ummmm . . .Isn’t that the job of the comedian, to hold up the fun-house mirror to whomever they’re lampooning, so that EVERYONE can see the truth behind the distortion?

    And I am also guessing that neither Germany nor the EU has a constitution, a BOR, and a “1st Amendment” that protects people’s rights to speak up against Gubberment? Even in parody, satire and fun?

    Well, if that’s the case, Fa’queem!

  2. I’m going to get into hot water with this but I’m beginning to think that the allies went a little too far in emasculating the germans after the second world war. I know the de-nazification and de-militarization was meant to meant to erase Nazism and ensure peace and while it accomplished the former it seems to have somehow equated Conservatism (with all it’s attendance rights and responsibilities) with Fascism in the minds of the population. Merkel is a lot of things but a real (even the Euro version) conservative she is not. This sort of thing can only end badly.

    A minor history lesson. Modern Europe was built on ancient feudalism. Ancient feudalism translates into modern socialism. Just replace the Lord of the castle with the head of the Gubberment (even if he/she/it was elected democratically). It’s built into the very fiber of the European serf’s (I refuse to use the term “citizen”) core and mentality, that they will be taken care of by someone else.

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