German Couple Sentenced For the Crime of Questioning The Wisdom of Mass Importation of Refugees – IOTW Report

German Couple Sentenced For the Crime of Questioning The Wisdom of Mass Importation of Refugees


A German couple were taken to court and sentenced after they created a Facebook group that criticized migrants and the government’s mass migration policy.

The couple, who live in the German town of Vierkirchen, stood accused of inciting hatred toward migrants via the Facebook group that the pair had created called the “Anti-refugee movement” (AFB). The group is said, by the court, to have been a clear incitement against migrants and as a result both 27-year-old Peter M. and his 26-year-old wife Melanie M. were found guilty of hate speech, Merkur reports.

The statements on the Facebook group did not seem to contain anything overtly nationalistic or Nazi-inspired, but rather expressed deep concern about the situation in Germany relating to mass migration.

According to the court, the page, which has been taken down, in its first post stated: “The war and economic refugees are flooding our country. They bring terror, fear, sorrow. They rape our women and put our children at risk,” which along with a German flag as the groups profile photo, was enough to bring the couple to court for hate speech.


ht/ Annie

10 Comments on German Couple Sentenced For the Crime of Questioning The Wisdom of Mass Importation of Refugees

  1. Gee, Krauts from the town of Vierkirchen (Four Churches) might take their faith seriously?

    “If ve vant your opinion, ve vill beat it out of you!”
    “Off to the Concentration Camp!”

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Sure sounds like the judge is guilty of HATE towards both 27-year-old Peter M. and his 26-year-old wife Melanie M.

    That judge, and all like him, need to be tarred & feathered and made to beg for crumbs for a living.

  3. This is what happens when an entire generation of a nation’s manhood is destroyed by war.

    Whoops – did I say that? What a sexist, inaccurate, downright wrong thing to claim. What I really meant to say is that Germany is only returning to its long-held tradition of being ruled by decisive, compassionate, left-leaning, progressive women. Yeah, that’s what I meant to say.

    P.S. – Please don’t send the Polizei.


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