German Priest Offers Church For Migrant Housing – Stripping It Bare Of Anything Suggesting Christianity – IOTW Report

German Priest Offers Church For Migrant Housing – Stripping It Bare Of Anything Suggesting Christianity

Story at Brietbart

Even the priest in War of the Worlds wasn’t as dumb as this German dummkopf. At least the priest tried to win over the invaders with The Word. The German moron is self-eradicating in order to appease. How is that in service of the Lord?

12 Comments on German Priest Offers Church For Migrant Housing – Stripping It Bare Of Anything Suggesting Christianity

  1. Probably a descendant of a priest who did the same thing for the National Socialists; replacing the cross of Jesus for the swastika.

    You’d think the Germans would learn, wouldn’t you? It’s not like Hitler’s Germany happened that long ago.

  2. Destroying yourself and participating in the demise of your country and culture isn’t going to be your ticket thru the Pearly Gates. This worm of a man is criminally stupid.

  3. We should start a pool on how soon the Filthy Moslem Savages masquerading as “refugees” will begin bitching that the five Scandinavian countries’ national flags are racist and Islamophobic because they all feature the Christian Cross?

    I’m predicting that Sweden will be the first to cave in and create a blue & yellow flag featuring a Moslem crescent.
    Then Norway…
    then Denmark…..
    then Finland……
    and last Iceland.

    It’s as if Vidkun Quisling was cloned and his scurrilous genes have been replicated millions of times over. But this time insterad of selling out to the National Socialist fascists, the Squareheads are en masse selling out to the Moslem fascists.

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