Germany: Muslim screaming “Allahu akbar” kills one, wounds 3 at train station, BBC says motive unclear – IOTW Report

Germany: Muslim screaming “Allahu akbar” kills one, wounds 3 at train station, BBC says motive unclear

Jihad Watch-

“Some witnesses said he shouted ‘Allahu akbar’ (‘God is great’ in Arabic) but the motive for the attack is unclear.”

A group of Japanese men flying airplanes bombed Pearl Harbor today. Some witnesses say that their planes bore the markings of the Japanese empire, but the motive for the attack is unclear.

Also, “Allahu akbar” is not “God is great” in Arabic. It means “Allah is greater,” i.e., greater than your god.


26 Comments on Germany: Muslim screaming “Allahu akbar” kills one, wounds 3 at train station, BBC says motive unclear

  1. Almost.

    Akbar is “the greatest”. The superlative form of the word. Kabiir is “great”. The relationship is the three consonant sounds K-B-R and the addition of A in the front makes it superlative.

  2. If they don’t know the motive by now they must be daft with their head up their arse. Here’s a hint – Islam.

    And why is this odd out of place sentence in the story?

    ” A group of Japanese men flying airplanes bombed Pearl Harbor today. Some witnesses say that their planes bore the markings of the Japanese empire, but the motive for the attack is unclear.”

    Is the author unclear about why a Muslim nut job attacked Germans at a train station in Germany. Or confused about why the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and on what date it happened?

  3. It had nothing to do with his religion.
    He was just upset that he couldn’t use the women’s showers.
    That ‘Olly snackbar’ thing is just something they say when they sneeze.

  4. The President has cautioned Americans not to panic at the rumors concerning an alleged attack on Pearl Harbor. He went on to say that they might possibly be due to a rare cold snap which recently struck the Hawaiian Islands, and warned everyone not to become overly alarmed just because there was a nip in the air.


  5. Dear Blink,
    The paragraph about the Japanese was thrown in there for what is called “satire”, “sarcasm”, and “snark”.

    Please learn more about the nuances of the English language. I guarantee it will enhance your reading comprehension and enjoyment.


  6. How about this?
    Something like that happens in America, and we pull the bastard apart before the cops come and somebody gets picked to go get some ham and a broomstick so we can send him off to Paradise with a pork enema

  7. Europe did this to themselves. A population that openly welcomes a low IQ population that refuses to assimilate into their country deserves to die.

    Trump/Wall 16.

  8. Correct that Europe reaps what it sows. FWI: the USA is in the first stages of the same nonsense…do we deserve to die? A wall is a start but not a solution because these maggots are already here. Facebook is censoring anything anti-Muslim (don’t laugh, Facebook is very influential to the majority of the population worldwide) and the mainstream media doesn’t slant this type of thing….they just refuse to report it. I am at a loss for any answers to stop this creeping menace. What has happened to common sense? What can we do?

  9. this happened in Grafling Germany. My sister husband and nephew’s
    live there just outside of town. I’ve written to her many times to be careful and gave her the link to iowt and also to jihad watch.. waiting to hear what really happened. I used think Deutschland Uber Alles-but now I wonder.

  10. Necrophidius
    May 10, 2016 at 11:15 am

    Akbar? He led the assault on the Death Star. Seriously, this denial is like a Monte Python skit.

    The Parrot is still not dead.

  11. A coon took the top off the bird feeder and ate most of the sunflower seeds in it.

    Its motive was unclear.

    How do we know it was a feral moslem savage? Might have been a Amish dude yelling something else, but with his funny accent, it just SOUNDED like Olly’s Snackbar.

    izlamo delenda est …

  12. Actually Allahu Akbar can mean “God is Greater” or “God is the Greatest.” But one thing it doesn’t mean is “God is Great”. That would be “Allahu Kabir.”

  13. I just got home from work and really can’t add anything here that hasn’t already been said except:
    Motive Unclear?
    Whut A Bunch Of Liberal Shit!!
    Anybody that damn timid and stupid deserves to have their panzy-asses kicked by a bunch of mindless, murdering, muzlim cave-men!

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