Germany Now Has More Than 1,000 Documented Child Marriages – IOTW Report

Germany Now Has More Than 1,000 Documented Child Marriages

DC: Germany is struggling to prevent and keep track of the over 1,000 child marriages taking place in the country.

Child marriages have not been an issue in Germany until recent years. The practice is illegal in Germany, but since the country doesn’t recognize “religious marriages,” authorities can’t do anything to stop it in most cases.

German television channel N24 claims the number of child marriages in the country now exceeds 1,000, and that the actual number is believed to significantly higher.

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9 Comments on Germany Now Has More Than 1,000 Documented Child Marriages

  1. Here’s a thought. Maybe the fifty-five year old Iman who got shot in Ozone Park, NY had his eye on the shooter’s nine year old daughter? It could be a factor worth looking into. No?

  2. I told my wife about how upset this news made me, and she said, “What do you care? You’re a pedophile, anyway!”

    I said, “Whoa – ‘pedophile’? That’s a pretty big word for a twelve-year old.”


  3. Angela Merkel must be worried about her daughter’s future…oh, that’s right, she has no children or grandchildren. Tough shit, you stupid German breeders. Bitch cannot empathize.

  4. @Moe Tom: FWIW, here’s a comment from a German guy about that video:

    “…waving the flag in such a situation is not common at all in Germany. Actually flag waving or openly showing patriotism is extremely rare and considered a bad thing in Germany except when it comes to supporting sports events. I know of only one other event in the recent history of germany were people openly waved the flag: the fall of the Berlin Wall. The kind of flag waving etc. like common for Americans and many other countries is highly suspicious for most Germans.”

    I don’t know how true this is, but maybe it’s something that was pounded into them during De-Nazification. They didn’t seem to have any problem with it during the Third Reich.


  5. Vietvet. Yes I understand that feeling that has been drilled into Germans since WW11. But I feel it’s wrong for a leader to show such disgust, and she certainly did; like she cast it aside and shuddered. Much the same attitude is felt here by the elite. Just look at BHO and his wife. Or take the first night of the DNC, not a flag in sight. If Killary gets in it will only get worse. Pity.
    Semper Fi.

  6. “since the country doesn’t recognize “religious marriages,” authorities can’t do anything to stop it in most cases”


    If they don’t “recognize” “religious marriage” than it isn’t, by definition, “religious marriage,” is it? So, if they don’t “recognize” honor killing, then they can’t do anything about that, either? What the Fuck is wrong with these people? That doesn’t make any sense even from a kraut point of view.

    izlamo delenda est …

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