Get Obama Under Oath – IOTW Report

Get Obama Under Oath

HT/ The Donald

26 Comments on Get Obama Under Oath

  1. Get Obama Under Oath

    why? … oaths mean nothing to this creature … he’ll just obfuscate & blatantly lie without a whiff of conscience

    Evil is evil, & will always continue evil to further empower evil
    it is up to humanity to recognize & reject … or devolve

  2. I hear that “Oath” is actually the name of a famous Saudi Arabian camel that is specifically trained to extract confessions from accused wrongdoers through unspecified sexual means.

    A common saying among the Arabs is that “Once they lie under Oath, nobody lies under Oath”.


  3. I want know what the Douchebag’s alias was when he was emailing Hillary. I seem to recall that it was something retarded, like “bo”. But it seems to have been memory-holed. Anybody remember, or have a link?

  4. All joking aside, he should be called to answer (under oath) for his reasons for using an alias while emailing Killery on her unsecure server. Fact is, there may have been no law broken in his emailing, but he lied about knowing she had one and his emailing her on it should make us all wonder if he regularly used that email address while conducting official, sensitive/confidential business, which seems more than likely to me.

    In other words we must resist falling into the ennui of “same sh*t, different day.” Nothing will change until we the people start demanding a reasonable, lawful response to illegality, no matter who it is.

  5. Bad_Brad, no wonder his Post-Presidential Detention Center in Chicongo won’t be housing his Presidential Papers. He told us he was writing another book, but I think he’s really been frantically trying to unwrite everything.

  6. The video and the email are hard evidence that can’t be denied so Obama would either refuse to testify citing RACISM! or they would find a way to show that the email addy he used wasn’t secure therfore anybody could have gotten to it.

  7. The point of under oath is to let them lie, then nail them with evidence showing the did, in fact, lie. It’s one reason lawyers take depositions in lawsuits, the tie the witness to a set of statements for use at trial. Witnesses lie all the time, and when they are part of the other team you are generally ahead of the game. That is one reason the congressional hearings going on over the last many months are important. Comey et al. had no idea what was about to happen in terms of disclosure of the evidence we are now seeing. Their testimony was based on the belief that the true facts would never come out.
    Let him lie all he wants to.

  8. The storm will bring a hammer to Obongo. The FBI dropped the case against Hildy because it would have brought down Bongo too… who was writing to her all the time at the unsecured address. They’ve got plenty to hang him with.

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