Get The Amish To The Polls On Tuesday – IOTW Report

Get The Amish To The Polls On Tuesday


Apparently there is one group the Democrats forgot to pander to. The Amish.  This community of 330,000 are scattered across a number of battle ground states including, Wisconsin, Ohio and Pennsylvania.

According to ABC, if they can get to the polling places they will deliver the election for Donald Trump.

More on the power of the Amish vote Here  NOTE:  This is a hoax story from a fake site.  Reader Douglas Wakeman caught the error.

There has been an effort to turn the Amish out for Trump going back to July  Here

Organizational effort to get the Amish to the polls Here (seriously, if you can help out please do so).

16 Comments on Get The Amish To The Polls On Tuesday

  1. Interesting:
    “Florida’s early turnout is at a record 5.3 million with Republicans and Democrats nearly dead even in ballots cast four days before Election Day. ”

    In 2000, only six million votes TOTAL were cast in Florida.

    Can you say YUGE TURNOUT!

    Full disclosure:
    Loco voted early in Florida for Trump.

  2. Don’t worry, the Amish will vote (at least here in Ohio) and they will vote Trump. Ohio counties with large Amish populations are solidly red. I’ve seen it happen in 2004, 2008, and 2012.

    Most Amish are astonishingly very current in political news.

  3. While this sounds nice,
    it comes across to me like bull.

    Amish do/may NOT use ANY form of mechanized vehicle.
    Hence horse and buggy.

    Many/most Mennonites use cars anyway.

  4. I know for a fact — given the mean age of the commenters at IOTWr — that there are a LOT of 70-, 80-, and probably some 90+-somethings related to these commenters. MAKE SURE your older loved one hasn’t misplaced their ballot, forgotten about voting, needs a stamp (or better yet needs a ride or a favor getting their ballot dropped off — today if not sooner!). And if they need some straight talk about who to vote for, take the gloves off and give it to them.

    Don’t forget your loved one(s) who may be in a care facility. Don’t let those minimum wage CNA’s help them fill out their ballots!

    Leave nothing to chance in these final days of the race.


  5. The comments left at the ABC news site give the impression that people are being encouraged not to vote because of an Amish wave. This smacks of a democrat attempt to suppress the Trump voters. Every Trump voter needs to vote.

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