Update: It’s with a broken heart that I have to report that Moe Tom has passed – IOTW Report

Update: It’s with a broken heart that I have to report that Moe Tom has passed

Moe Tom was a very good friend of mine. I’ve know him more than 20 years. The people on this site who knew and loved him through his words knew him as I knew him. That was Tom. Salt of the earth. Great man. Military man. Police officer. Family man. Always looking for what he could do for his friends. His friends were very important to him. The iOTWreport community was extremely important to him. He would tell me often.

He will be sorely missed.


Say a little prayer for our good friend. He’s in the hospital and can use the well wishes.

196 Comments on Update: It’s with a broken heart that I have to report that Moe Tom has passed

  1. Father God, bring healing, health and strength to Moe Tom. Bring your everlasting peace and healing to his spirit, mind and body. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen



    You’ve always been one of my favorites Moe Tom. I look forward to your new posts soon… 🌞

  3. Lifting up Moe Tom, his family and his medical team in prayer. Stay with us brother so you can see what happens in 2020.

    “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” ~ Isaiah 41:10

  4. Ain’t the same without you here, Moe Tom.

    Heavenly Father, please give Moe Tom, his caretakers, and his family all they need to help You heal our friend.

    We know You have Your plans for him and we trust in You.

    In Christ’s name,

  5. Moe Tom,

    Love You, Brother.
    You saw it happencoming.

    Moe Tom December 31, 2016 at 10:22 pm
    Frankly, The American people will turn on the media.

    Always will it be known that on October 12 of 2019 at 4:08 PM New York Time:
    President Trump is still President and their not and. . .
    American Patriots turned on the media and, also, Shep Smith quit.

    Get Well Moe Tom

  6. Appreciation is the highest form of prayer, for it acknowledges the presence of good wherever you shine the light of your thoughts.
    You are very appreciated here,
    Best wishes and regards

  7. Best hopes and wishes from Montana, Moe Tom. You’re a great help and treat to us all. As I have heard more than once here in Montana, “Damnit, You git all healed up and haired over!!!”.

  8. Get well and when you read the comments here if you’re still in hospital I hope it inspires you to get out. Chase one of the nurses right out the door and don’t look back.

    Miss your forwards and comments to my stuff.

  9. Moe Tom, may you be surrounded by a bevy of attractive lady doctors and nurses to keep your spirits up, boost your stamina, and turbo-supercharge your recovery!

    This evening, I will cast my thoughts and best wishes your way as I sip an adult beverage in your honor.

  10. Dear Lord, our brother stands before You in desperate need of Your healing touch. We who have enjoyed the gifts of his wit and wisdom in this venue and have come to care for the spirit he has shown us ask in Your name that You circle his bed, numb his pains, imbue the healers that labor to help him with the knowledge that they need to effectually treat the body You gave him, and speedily conclude the full and complete healing in mind, body, and spirit of him that he may be restored to us that we may again know Your mercy and glory in this answered prayer, and in everything that You do for us.

    Touch also his family, and those nearest and dearest to him, that they may have the strength and wisdom to prevail themselves through this ordeal, that their loved one, whose true name is known to You, can be swiftly returned to them to love them and be loved by them for a little while longer, until it truly becomes his time to lay his trophies down and go the way of all flesh, to be reborn in spirit with You where we may meet again in Your presence and be glad in it.

    we ask for this all, as You command us to do, in the precious name of Jesus, Amen.

  11. Moe Tom is an institution at IOTW and one who always has something smart, funny and right to say. We both share a background in greenskeeping work, I believe – so that makes us tied by a bond no other working group can understand. 🙂

    Moe Tom, I just sent prayers up and will continue to do so. And, I was reminded today at how much power prayer carries…so you get better buddy, it’s in Jesus name that I pray. <3

  12. Moe:

    Rub some dirt on it, suck it up, walk it off, and prepare to turn to on life! Copper to copper, cut the stuff and get well. Prayers for you and your family from our family. G_D Bless you and yours.

  13. O FATHER of mercies and God of all comfort, our only help in time of need; Look down from heaven, we humbly beseech thee, behold, visit, and relieve thy sick servant Moe Tom for whom our prayers are desired. Look upon him with the eyes of thy mercy; comfort him with a sense of thy goodness; preserve him from the temptations of the enemy; give him patience under his affliction; and, in thy good time, restore Tom to health, and enable him to lead the residue of his life in thy fear, and to thy glory. Or else give him grace so to take thy visitation, that, after this painful life ended, he may dwell with thee in life everlasting; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

  14. Very sorry to hear of Moe Tom’s passing. I don’t post a lot here, but I read every article, every day. I have really enjoyed his wit and comments. Moe Tom will be sorely missed.

  15. 🙁
    Eternal rest grant to him, O Lord; and let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

  16. Moe Tom loved you LadyGun. I’d sometimes speak with him when he was in “Saturday Night” condition. This would cause him to repeat himself. He’d begin, middle and end many conversations using your real name… “You know who I love?… I love that ____ ” As I said, this would happen 3 times a conversation.

  17. God bless and comfort those that he leaves behind. Moe Tom has gone to his reward, and great shall it be if he is even one tenth the man that came across his postings and from his honorable service to his Country and community as mentioned above, so he, himself, no longer stands in need of our prayers.

    Those he loved and that loved him, do.

    They should be comforted, however, that the separation is only a temporary one, and that by the grace of God when it is their time, they will meet again at the feet of the Lord, and glad will be their reunion then, that will last through all eternity, in flesh uncorruptable and eyes shining in the light of the Lord.

    And I would ask that we all extend that prayer to our host, BFH, as one who loved and was loved, as he is in particular grief for his longtime friend. We sometimes don’t know how much we cared for someone until we can no longer call them, see them, comfort our worries together with them, and sometimes just being in the same room together in silence, watching a show or a game is enough for guys, as we can take comfort in the presence of each other, knowing that we can speak or be silent as we like and that we are with someone else who understands us like no other.

    No other but the Lord.

    He is with God today, and there is no finer place we can be. We do not know why the Lord chose to take him up, but we can be sure that it is what was the best for him. He is certainly not sick or sad any more, he is joyous before Christ, and he knows that those he loves will be with him one day so he does not grieve, as all he leaves behind is the pain in life, the joy he has with Jesus and with the souls of his family in Heaven will be with him forever.

    I have walked with the same Death that I have fought on numerous occasions, sometimes professionally, sometimes personally. I have seen people die, sometimes at pain, sometimes at peace. Sometimes I did not know them, sometimes I knew them very well. Sometimes related to me, sometimes related to someone I love.

    And for all that, I have never learned the magic words that can instantly comfort and heal the grieving, even when it is someone I know well, even when it is myself. Death is a terrible blow to those who live and must carry on immediately, must find a way to fill that hole in their lives, paper it over so they can gingerly continue their own earthly walk with the Lord. There are some stages that must be crossed that are so well known that I do not need to repeat them here and now. All of us grieve, though perhaps only as someone we knew as a handle and and an indomitable spirit that comes through a screen. And there is nothing that will change that.

    All we can do is give comfort to each other. Many may tell themselves they are not suited for that or may think they are too harsh, too hard, not skilled with words, but even if you can only comfort with thorns, give what comfort you can. All will cross over at one time or another, and we should all support each other.

    The One TRUE Comforter is the Holy Spirit of God. He gives the blessed assurance that life does NOT end at the grave, and those that we mourn are NOT parted with us forever. My words are no good, you must listen to the Spirit god gave you as he whispers of what glory Moe Tom stands in now, far from the sin-stained world he left behind, removed forever from all of the evil that we only chronicle a tiny amount of here, and how HE is blessed, and how WE can be blessed, if we walk with the Lord honorably until we, too, lay our trophies down and join Him.

    With Moe.

    I can’t speak for the Spirit though I speak IN the Spirit, but I can leave you with the words of the Lord. There is no better salve for the wounds of loss than that, though it may be some time before we can accept them.

    God bless the family of Moe Tom.
    God bless BFH and all his friends that grieve him as we speak.
    God bless us all in our grief and let us take comfort in Him, and in each other.

    “4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

    5 And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.

    6 And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.

    7 He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.”

    -Revelation 21:4-7

    The Lord has gained another son today. Let us not be sad for Moe. Let us rather rejoice that Moe is this day with his Father, and there is nowhere better he could be.

    God bless, SNS

  18. To those near him, that need to, now, do the real life work:

    We are Anonymous.
    We do not forget.
    We occasionally elide.
    Expect us.

    For the time, consider us your own private army.

  19. I always enjoyed hearing him say, after one of his many, totally sensible comments:

    “I can’t take it anymore.”

    And I would think, “You’re not the only one, Moe tom.”

    Safe harbor, Internet friend.

  20. My prayers and condolences to his family. I always enjoyed reading his comments. Too many of us old farts are dying off. That makes me worry for our kids and grandkids who won’t have anyone left to tell them what it is supposed to be like.

  21. Moe Tom was An institution here, he will be missed. RIP, buddy.

    Fur: Maybe we could have a Wall of Fame or some other place on IOTWR where our members who have passed can be memorialized?

  22. Tony R
    OCTOBER 13, 2019 AT 10:50 AM
    “Moe Tom was An institution here, he will be missed. RIP, buddy.

    Fur: Maybe we could have a Wall of Fame or some other place on IOTWR where our members who have passed can be memorialized?”

    …I second that, it would be great if it had some choice comments from our absent friends as well, that their voices would go on and we could revel one more time in the wit and wisdom of those who were too good keep out of Heaven any longer…

  23. I am so glad we got to hear his voice and his fabulous rants on Pinko’s U.S. & Eh? show! Thank you, Fur, for posting his picture.

    All the Saints are celebrating in Heaven. (Moe)Tom has come home.

  24. Just checked in and found this thread.

    Sad, I only knew him recently and through e-mail for about nine months. Condolences to all his family and friends.

    I got him cause we shared some of the same “character assets?” No filters…

    Hopefully he’s preparing the new IOTW sight wherever he is…

  25. Rest in heavenly peace with the angels. I hope you are bringing lots of humor and sass to the Creator. Prayers and condolences to Moe Tom’s family and friends. Thanks BFH for posting the picture. He will not be forgotten.

    Whale oil beef hooked and sum ting wong

  26. Rest In Peace, Tom. You were one of the first here and your wit and crazy emails will be missed. I’m sorry, Fur, for the loss of your good friend. My condolences to his family, too.

  27. Very sad news, indeed. Thank you, Fur, for posting his picture. I wish I had had the chance to know him better.

    May God be with your family, Moe Tom, and may He rest your weary soul in eternal bliss. In Christ’s name, amen.

  28. Sad news. I think he posted something just a few days ago.

    RIP, good man.
    He last posted 9 days ago. He wasn’t signing in, though. His last comment under Moe Tom was on 9/11. -bfh

  29. Very sad news. He will be missed by all of us. I always loved his comments.

    BFH told me Moe Tom started telling him about this website he liked called IOTW before he Knew it was BFH”s site. Dry funny story.

    Many prayers for Tom’s family.

    That is correct, MFTM. He was a ranger at the golf course I hung out at. When there was a backup I’d hop in his cart and put my feet up and we’d shoot the shit. He was very politically minded. He would tell me about the sites he went to to get his news. He’d actually have print outs of articles on him that he’d like people to read. (All the starters and rangers were conservatives. They would post stuff in the window of the starter shack for people to see, and drive the libtards nuts, I’m sure.) One day he asked me if I knew of a site called iOwnTheWorld. Too funny. It took me awhile to fess up. It took longer for him to believe I was BigFurHat. -bfh

  30. I know this is not the end, but it still sucks for those that knew him.
    The only thing you get to take with you in the end is your character and the person you are.
    Moe done good.

  31. sad news, indeed. And it all happened so suddenly. I lost my wife of 29 years on 17 Sept. and I can only imagine the grief his friends and family are now beginning to experience. I will remember him fondly, especially his calling in to Mr. P’s radio show and his sometimes using the ‘f’ word. He was a good man, and I enjoyed his presence and remembering it now.
    We are all born to die. I believe Moe Tom had some firm dedications, and he would certainly not want the ‘flag to fall to the ground.’ Please continue your efforts, and in his remembrance, realize that is what he would want you to do.
    My prayers include you, my friend Mr. Moe Tom, and I’ll tip a glass for you this evening
    >volume to 11

  32. I always loved reading what he wrote. I could imagine him at the other end of the internet, bashing out his comments no matter what condition he was in (and some conditions were better than others). Rest in peace, dear Moe Tom.

    “Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.”

  33. I immediately let out a loud “Oh no!” when I read your notice he had passed. I don’t know how it could have happened that a bunch of people I will probably never meet who possess names I will probably never know could have worked their way into my heart so that I cry when I read that one has passed. God bless and keep each and every one of you.

  34. Oh, no. This breaks my heart. Rest in peace, Moe Tom. You were a big presence here and it won’t be the same without you. 💙💙💙

    Thanks for the picture, BFH. It’s nice to see his face.

  35. Moe, I am pretty sure Our Father Abba is allowing you to know what we are all saying here if you choose. You live in the dimension of what we know as heaven, glorifying God.

    Please pray for all of us here who are waiting to be lifted to the glorious life in God that you are now living. Please pray for our country that you loved so much.

    I have missed you recently and thought about you.and where you were, and now I echo all the prayerful sentiments said here.

    BFH, I am very sorry for your loss and our loss. Do you think God is calling him Moe Tom or by his Christian name? Please excuse my feeble try at humor at this time. Hope Moe Tom is chuckling.

  36. Based on his photo and common sense comments, I can only guess Moe Tom was a handsome, honorable, no nonsense, passionate patriot. He will truly be missed.

    My condolences to BFH and all family, acquaintances and friends of Moe Tom. May he rest in peace.

  37. My deepest condolences on your passing to the Big Guy up there. We were longtime friends, and even though we never met, we shared some laughs and some bad words. I’ll be looking for ya next time somewhere near the Blarney Stone. God Speed

  38. God Bless Moe Tom and I hope his family is comforted by their wonderful memories of him. I always looked for his comments on every post here. So witty and on target. Will be missed by all. Beannaigh Dia .

  39. thank you, LG12. That was sudden and unexpected as well. Also why I’ve been scarce. I didn’t know how to let anyone here know, and just sort of went away for a while. I have a bit of an idea of what Moe Tom’s family is living through right now. Bless them.
    My best advice that I could ever give to anyone- Make your peace with God the day _before_ your demise. Not the day of, but the day before.

  40. I’m in and out as of late, in sporadic fashion here on iotw, not due to apathy, but just one of life’s curveballs. I didn’t even know that Moe Tom was ill.

    I can’t add much to the outpouring of love already expressed, but in the event Moe’s family reads here, I just want to add my “name” to the iotw community, in sending prayers 🙏🏻 and condolences 😢

  41. I’m saddened by this news. Moe Tom was an enjoyable personality in this place! Condolences to all.

    Eternal rest grant unto them , O Lord,
    and let perpetual light shine upon them .
    May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

  42. Oh, no. I am so sorry to hear Moe Tom is gone. It doesn’t seem possible. I will miss his presence here so very much. God keep you Moe Tom and give peace to your family and friends, my fellow retired police officer.

    IOTW has become such a part of my life that I am actually shedding tears for a man I’ve never met but I felt his humor and wisdom here so iften.

  43. I have little more to add to what all have expressed here.

    It is such a blessing to hear of all the prayers that were poured out once this loving community knew Moe Tom was ill. May we all be strengthened in knowing the prayers of others uplift us and those offering them to our loving God. Peace be with us all as we are made aware with the passing of a beloved friend (even if it is only someone I know here), that our eternal rest will come, too. Be kind, love God, and live a life of joy and service while life is granted to live.

    Sorry I am so late in hearing this news – life got in the way for a while.

  44. Dang, I’ve posted here many times I thought Tommy was a National Treasure. He was. But what’s on my mind right now is his bride. I gather from his posts he had a son he was very proud of. I hope to God he’s stepping up for his mother. This is just too sad.

  45. Sorry @PlainJane (misspell, @PlainJane), But Mo was not one to stop here on earth, even in Heaven, he will be working up there for us. Maybe no more US&Eh call in’s but you will see, he will make himself known! Just wait!

  46. “Strange, isn’t it? Each man’s life touches so many other lives. When he isn’t around he leaves an awful hole, doesn’t he?” – Clarence Odbody ASII

  47. Dang. Sorry to read of his passing. RIP MoeTom.

    Just today, during an 9 hour drive home from the NC outer banks, I told my wife a story MoeTom had posted here months ago about an incident in Italy he witnessed decades ago when in the military, (or it’s my recollection that MT had told the story), and mentioned I’d just read on iotwR a post about MoeTom being in hospital in critical care & I hoped he would soon recover and be okay.

  48. “Brad! I’m happy to see you again”

    This’ll be my last. Came back to honor a great man. I was constantly amazed at some of the wisdom he bestowed on the rest of us. I’m just barely smart enough to recognize greatness. I took note. he did impact my life. Not many can do that.

  49. I am truly heartbroken to hear about Tom. I think he probably gave me more hearty belly-laughs than any commenter here. Vaya con Dios Amigo! Keep a warm spot waiting for your fellow IOTWers.

  50. So sad. I will miss his voice on the US & eh! Show. He had such colorful stories, especially about his experiences with Trump as a construction worker on one of his buildings. He admired and loved Trump even before he became President.

    I also remember when he showed up at the hospital to visit Fur when he had his gall bladder surgery. He loved you, Fur.

    Moe Tom was a treasure and now he is with the angels … probably regailing them with his stories.

    Peace now, MoeTom. You don’t have to take it any more.


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