Giant Supermarkets Consider Leaving D.C. – IOTW Report

Giant Supermarkets Consider Leaving D.C.

National Pulse

Washington, D.C.’s ‘Giant Food’ supermarket chain may close a number of locations amidst a surge in theft and violence over the last five years. Company’ President Ira Kress told WTOP local news: “They steal everything from roasts to shrimp to deodorant to razor blades, you name it.” He also highlighted how organized crime groups are hiring other thieves to steal for them. More

28 Comments on Giant Supermarkets Consider Leaving D.C.

  1. I would like to put more of the blame on the community that harbors these thugs and condones their crimes. Every supermarket, drugstore, and convenience store should put up this sign, prominently displayed;

    “Do you like shopping here? We appreciate your business and would like to continue to serve you. But this is a business and as such if we continue to lose money we will be forced to close up. Theft is a crime, people within your community are stealing. And this affects you both in raising prices to compensate for the loss and it risks retailers leaving your city, leaving you no place to shop for your essentials.

    Help us stamp out theft. If you see someone stealing, step in and show him, in any way you see fit, that what he is doing is wrong. Don’t worry, we didn’t see anything”.

  2. 90 percent of retailers prohibit their employees from interceding in theft. Why? Because those retailers lose a lot more money in civil court from being sued by the bad guys. You try and intervene you run the risk of being hurt or hurting some one else. They will sue you just the same as they would a super market. The entire system is broken. The thieves are constantly rewarded and the good guys constantly punished. But trying to step in a stop a robbery is a bad idea.

  3. I try to avoid the giant supermarkets.
    I shop in a township nearby that has a midsized IGA.
    Their baked goods are fantastic. The produce is always good but a bit less exotic. They have butchers that will give you personal attention if needed. Prices are a bit higher than the big guys but the service is worth it.
    If I really want a good experience there is a very large Amish market about 45 minutes away. Now we’re talking baked goods! And dairy.

  4. @ Rich Taylor AT 4:25 PM

    How wrong you are. The City of Tacoma and Washington State “induced” Right Aid to set up shop in the worst area in Tacoma. I have black friends who live in the area and we were at a BBQ and the topic the month after it opened were discussing the store and all of the hoopla and horseshit and that it won’t last, the prevailing culture in that neighborhood didn’t shop, they proudly shoplift.

    Right Aid pulled out and the building is now… yet another a government services building.

    They also said that the reason they were not affected by the rampant crime was that everyone knows they are armed and WILL shoot.

    This neighborhood:

  5. Right Aid lasted only a couple years. The link was not the BBQ I was at. Those friends were all people who work very hard and were absolutely disgusted at how government did more to perpetuate criminality than anything else.

  6. @JDHasty

    As I tried to explain to Brad, in crayons, was that this was satire. I get that sometimes the nuance does not translate well in type form. I live in the Bay Area, I’ve been in those stores that has the metal gates described in that thread the other day, this is all too familiar.

  7. JDHasty

    You’re wasting your time. He’s way smarter than us rubes and we just can’t keep up. Cause it sure didn’t sound like satire to me. Maybe he should start using that little sarc thing at the end of his crap so us retards can keep up. After all, crayons aren’t cheap either.
    Or maybe he realized he’d just typed something pretty stupid. Especially for ex LE.

  8. “Maybe he should start using that little sarc thing at the end of his crap so us retards can keep up.”

    You know, that is damn good advice. Retards like Brad might read my comments so use that “little sarc thing”, although I doubt he will ever be able to “keep up”.

  9. and amazon, et al, love this
    covid lockdowns got rid of small, local ‘general’ or ‘country’ stores.
    tolerance for geo floyd riots and looting introduced common, popular thievery. and soros DA’s put the icing on the cake.
    they’ll deliver bugfood on certain days, if your credit score and carbon foodprint allow.

  10. Without rule of law, any sort of retail becomes impossible. Even the Wild West had a sheriff and could assemble a posse if needed. The store keeper had a rifle handy, and no lawyers around to interfere.
    Sort of fun to imagine when the last few stores close in Din-do areas. Will that be the final trigger for whatever is coming?
    Will the Feds somehow “force” the store to stay open?
    Will the Nat Guard be forced to delivery grub?

  11. I wasn’t aware that there were any Giants extant in DC – I thought the LIPs ran them out decades ago.

    DC didn’t just suddenly wake up as a shit-hole – it’s been a shit-hole for decades.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  12. All of DC’s rich lawyers and other assorted rich maggots live in Potomac, MD, not DC.
    Kind of telling, isn’t it?

    DC is a huge stew-pot of corruption, greed, racism, hatred, and OUR money – the maggots just reach in and take what they want – there’s always more.

    Ask Biden, McConnell, McCarthy, Obola, Manchin, Pelosi, Waters, Schitt, Clinton, Nadler, Bush, Schumer, Kennedy, Rockefeller, Fish, Udall, Romney, or any of the other greedy, amoral maggots in and out of office (but still connected).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  13. Worked and managed pizza stores in and around DC for about 12 years. Giant was the go to place. Knowing the areas like I do, I am not surprised at them thinking of closing.


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