Gillette’s new “wokeness ad” admonishes toxic men and says they are in desperate need of fixing – IOTW Report

Gillette’s new “wokeness ad” admonishes toxic men and says they are in desperate need of fixing

Gillette has suddenly become “woke,” and they admonish men, and their toxic masculinity, in a new ad that misfires.

This new The Best Men Can Be Ad is running 10 to 1 in thumbs down on youtube.

Commenters on YouTube who have monitored the progress of the video says Gillette is removing comments and manipulating the thumbs down to mitigate the damage.

It’s currently 6.5k thumbs up and 56k thumbs down.

They lost me when they included The Young Turks in the ad.

Here are some comments-

A bad, bad and inaccurate depiction of your core customers — men. What do you think men are? Defective and in need of fixing? Born with the original sin called masculinity? Absolute insanity
This must be a new ad targeting men who shave their legs or something
I’ve never raped or beaten anyone nor do I associate with people who do. I am really unsure why a razor blade company is asking me to stop being a criminal instead of promoting their product. I learned this stuff in church.
My wife’s boyfriend loves this.
Because the boys watching today Will be the betas of tomorrow.
Why are all the black men put in “hero” positions and all the white men are put in “villain” positions? Some sort of subliminal messaging you’re trying here?
Don’t let a Gillette near your nuts… It’s liable to take them clean off.
Sorry I’m white Sorry I’m male Sorry I’m white Sorry I’m male
I truly feel sorry for all the innocent employees at Gillette who will lose their jobs due to layoffs because someone in the marketing department has an agenda. Yikes. Your corporate suicide is not nearly as amusing as the comments on this dumpster fire of an ad.
ht/ The Good GENERAL Svejk and Lady in Red


71 Comments on Gillette’s new “wokeness ad” admonishes toxic men and says they are in desperate need of fixing

  1. OT
    Every one of those Slave Traders on Wall Street that made money off PG&E are now liable for Billions, if not Trillions, in damages.
    Gonna dry shave you but good.
    Bend over Mitts and Romneys.
    Down there too.
    And every single one of those hedge funds and every single mitten finger that dipped oh so far down and deep.
    Bitcoins ain’t gonna save ya.
    Hoooo Wheeeeeee
    Don’t believe it?
    Ever heard of Ambulance Chasers?
    They got your data scent.
    Ask for Ari

  2. Screw Gillette. I’ve been shaving with a straight razor for 40 years. The same razor too,,,sharpen it on a strop, maybe a touch up on a stone occasionally. The only thing I pay for is soap. It’s the cheapest, closest shave you’ll ever get.

  3. The New England Patriots, a professional football team of some acclaim, play in what stadium again?
    Gillette Stadium.

    This is what happens when an organization takes on Wellesley grads into its hierarchy. They don’t wish to use razors on your facial hair. Their target is much lower.

    Think Hillary with a sharp instrument in your nether regions.

  4. ” SgtSpecOps1
    8 minutes ago (edited)
    The fact that Gillette has the audacity to use a clip from a Young Turk supporter who believes that the Armenian Genocide “is” a lie, shows the level of “Wokeness” these companies are hitting in attempts to virtue signal to a crowd that does not buy their products is… honestly very amusing and comercial suicide. Switching my brand of razor right tomorrow and never buying from your brand again, because apparently, because I’m a Man, I’m automatically a horrible human being, and should be ashamed of myself and to be manly. Once again I bid you fairwell and enjoy your comercial suicide. “

  5. “Eric The Kek
    13 minutes ago
    I am glad they took a moment from their ivory tower and whipping their child work force to preach to me.”


    “Helix Snow
    11 minutes ago
    Way to say “all men are monsters” most men don’t act like this. I like some parts of this commercial but it wasn’t needed. Especially when us women can be extremely horrible. Will you a video with the list of names of women who lied about rape and sexual assault? What women who slash an ex’s tires, break a windshield, lie, cheat, run up his credit card, slap or hit men, threaten to take their children away, threaten period, stalk…the list goes on…. ”

    Among the hilarious comments, there is some thoughtful stuff.
    But gillette is deleting those, too.

  6. Corporate America is divorced from actual America.

    And don’t worry, Schick will come out tomorrow saying they stand in solidarity with their competitor.

    Guess that’s back to a Merkur Safety Razor and silver tip badger for me taking 20 minutes every morning.

  7. I’ve a twitching elbow that tells me the ad won’t make prime time.

    At the same time, all you gents loving a soft, warm, steamed, and shaved — and creamed — woman, what makes you think *she* likes a rough skinned, prickly, and fur shedding man? …..would it appeal to you, if you were her?

    …..Lady in Red

  8. & I’m suddenly ‘woke’ … to the fact that I will never again buy any Gillette products

    thanks Gillette, always nice to know who one’s enemies are

  9. Slightly off topic, but not by much. Chris Plante radio show on Friday.
    He said he ran into a democrat woman who said she had kids. One of each gender.

    “You have 56 kids?”

  10. Probably a warm up for the shit anybody who watches the Super Bowel will get.

    As for me, I love their products but won’t support someone who actively hates me and is trying to destroy my son and any other boys.

  11. Gillette used to have decent razors and blades back in the old days when you could buy a simple double edged (one blade on each side) that slipped into a simple razor with a twist turn to close down on the blade.
    Now, all they make are those crappy whimpy plastic handles with a plastic blade insert with multiple blades jammed together where they clog up in no time.
    I finally was able to get an old fashioned safety razor kit, complete with shaving mug, brush, and shaving soap inserts. Walmart carries the blades (no longer made by Gillette). I can get a month of shaving to a blade. Occasionally, I’ll nick myself and get a little blood, but, short of going to the straight razor and razor strap, that’s a good basic shave.×1500/knifecenter/conk/images/cc022.jpg

  12. Well, my twitching elbow now tells me another thing:

    The male half of the IOTW denizens are a rough skinned, prickly, bristly and hair shedding gaggle of primates — AND you have never even thought about it, whether something smoother and softer might be preferred….? ….smile….

    (…and I ain’t talking PC)

    Hmmmmmmmm…. Interesting. ….Lady in Red

  13. From their “the best men can be” website. The tagline has been in use for 30 years. so it must be their fault men suck?

    Thirty years ago, we launched our The Best A Man Can Get tagline.
    Since then, it has been an aspirational statement, reflecting standards that many men strive to achieve.
    But turn on the news today and it’s easy to believe that men are not at their best. Many find themselves at a crossroads, caught between the past and a new era of masculinity. While it is clear that changes are needed, where and how we can start to effect that change is less obvious for many. And when the changes needed seem so monumental, it can feel daunting to begin. So, let’s do it together.
    It’s time we acknowledge that brands, like ours, play a role in influencing culture. And as a company that encourages men to be their best, we have a responsibility to make sure we are promoting positive, attainable, inclusive and healthy versions of what it means to be a man. With that in mind, we have spent the last few months taking a hard look at our past and coming communication and reflecting on the types of men and behaviors we want to celebrate. We’re inviting all men along this journey with us – to strive to be better, to make us better, and to help each other be better.
    From today on, we pledge to actively challenge the stereotypes and expectations of what it means to be a man everywhere you see Gillette. In the ads we run, the images we publish to social media, the words we choose, and so much more.
    As part of The Best Men Can Be campaign, Gillette is committing to donate $1 million per year for the next three years to non-profit organizations executing programs in the United States designed to inspire, educate and help men of all ages achieve their personal “best” and become role models for the next generation.
    Our tagline needs to continue to inspire us all to be better every day, and to help create a new standard for boys to admire and for men to achieve… Because the boys of today are the men of tomorrow.
    We’ve all got work to do. And it starts today.
    Gillette. The Best A Man Can Get.

  14. What do Eric Schneiderman, Eliot Spitzer, Anthony Weiner, Bill Clinton, Ben Afleck and Harvey Weinstein have in common? They were all male Feminists who spouted feminist slogans while abusing women. Men acting like Men are not the problem. The people who everyone should be suspicious of are the Men who make a big show of being “Woke.”

  15. I decided tonight was not the night.

    I had constructed a several paragraph response to liar the liberal. He already knows how reviled and inconsequential his miserable life is. I shall not squander two more minutes of my life to chastise him. Permission granted to live out your horrible life, Larry.

  16. Flowbee is close enough. And, if I’ve been drinking, I’ll shave through the screen door so as not to accidentally cut my own throat.
    The Boy Scouts can have all my junk gillette leftovers.

  17. I’m sorry Frank. I’ve always tried to be the best man I can be, such as treating men and women with respect, and supporting my family in all the regards. That your corporate entity wishes to cast aspersions and suggest I have failed is an insult.

    I do not require a lecture from your corporation. I already own a bible. And I already have core principles.

    Sell razor blades and stop with the finger wagging.

    PS. If I misinterpreted your message, sorry.

  18. I switched my husband and son over to Dollar Shave Club a few years ago. Great blades and a great price AND great customer service. You never have to find the clerk with the key to get into the blade case at the drug store anymore. Buh bye, Gillette.

  19. There’s also Harry’s….decent enough blades, good customer service, but they just really want to sell you the foo foo stuff. Shaving cream and smell good tonics. I would give it a “C”….average….Three e-mails a week puts me off too….

  20. Gillette is so tied in to popular culture that they think it’s reality. They should sell Nair.
    In WW2 the men the Services wouldn’t take were labeled 4F, and while the men were fighting and dying the 4 F’ers were boinking their girls and having 4F babies. Looks like many of these ended up at Gillette.

  21. Would I pariah myself to admit that when I do shave, it’s with a BIC disposable……..? @ LIR, my bride (GRHS) loved about 24 hours growth on my chin…(smile)….wtf!
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  22. You can bet they’re adding some kind of mutagen or estrogen mimic to that chemical-soaked strip on the BPA-leaking disposables. I’m going back to an angle grinder and duct tape.

    It’s a wonder we’re not all prancing, nutless faggots slap fighting hairy women in the street over some trivial bitch reason or something.

  23. grool: I don’t believe I’ve ever had the urge to discuss my shaving habits in a public forum. Just some Astra blades and I’m ready to go.

    A few years ago, Mrs. Guevara was of the impression that I just sit in my man cave drinking bourbon out of a globe bar and smoking cigars. Then came the Merkur. I prefer it but I don’t have the time to shave in three directions every morning.

  24. I used to get a new Kai brand disposable every day in my hotel bathroom in Tokyo. I can shave with one for between 6 months and a year. I haven’t been to Tokyo since 2005, but won’t need to buy razors until 2030 or so. That’s quality.

  25. “Why are all the black men put in “hero” positions and all the white men are put in “villain” positions? Some sort of subliminal messaging you’re trying here?” ahem, in case you haven’t noticed, many commercials feature the prominent couple as a black man and a white woman. and a huge amount that have a black woman offering all of the white women advice or a lecture. couple that with the straight white male being pushed to the back of the bus…not so subliminal

  26. Since they decided to be Social Justice Warriors and insult half the population of the country, they obviously do not need my money. There are lots of other companies that make shaving products that are just as good.
    Thank you for exposing your hatred of the male population of the planet. Your stupidity is overwhelming.


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