Ginger Kennedy Picked For SOTU Rebuttal – IOTW Report

Ginger Kennedy Picked For SOTU Rebuttal


Kennedy, 37, is seen as a rising star in a party that has many in the senior ranks well into their 70s.
The Massachusetts congressman comes from one of the most prominent families in American politics as the great nephew of former President John F. Kennedy. He will follow in the footsteps of his great uncle, Sen. Ted Kennedy, who was part of a group response to President Ronald Reagan’s State of the Union in 1982.
If by prominent you mean drunks, pill poppers, adulterers, bootleggers, murderers, mental abusers and liars,  yes, the Kennedys are prominent.

25 Comments on Ginger Kennedy Picked For SOTU Rebuttal

  1. A milk-faced … rich white boy?
    A guy who’s never done an honest day of work in his life?
    What? Schmuckles Schumer got the sads?
    These klowns are batting 1.000. They should have HRC reading in the background and retard Joey Biden laughing like a hyena at everything the guy says.

    Couldn’t they find someone … uhh … a little cloudier … faggot-ish-er … swarthy … what am I looking for, here? More “my Dad was a Mailman” kind of bullshit?

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Who gives a fuq?

    How much further down the Camelot family tree is the media or Dems going to go to try and revive their lust for monarchy.

    Live from the Kennedy compound, an interview with an old gym sock JFK jerked off into.

    Sir, what’s your opinion on these tax cuts?

    Kennedy has been dead for 55 years. More than half a century. If you were born the day he was shot by a Communist in Dallas, you are closer to retirement than any memory of American Royalty.

    No ginger royal by marriage half breed is going to bring it back.

  3. The House of Kennedy

    1) Joseph Patrick Kennedy Sr. – US Ambassador to UK
    2) Robert Francis Kennedy – NY Senator
    3) Joseph Patrick Kennedy II – MA Representative
    4) Joseph Patrick Kennedy III – MA Representative

  4. Let’s start a dead Kennedy pool. Does he die as a result of:

    1. Found in a sunken car
    2. Cirrhosis of the liver
    3. Playing touch football and runs into a tree
    4. Venereal disease
    5. His sailboat is sunk by a PETA boat
    6. Fly’s his light aircraft plane into a windmill
    7. Assassinated by an Obama’s MS 13 gangbanger for not paying on time.
    8. List your’s here

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