Ginzy Apologizes – IOTW Report

Ginzy Apologizes

While the right complained, Ginsburg said, “suck it.” It was only until the left’s organs, Wapo and  The NY Times, told her the a SCOTUS is not supposed to be political did she become apologetic. The apology means nothing. What’s in her coal-black dried-out heart that matters.

Ginsburg apologizes for Trump comments


Ruth Bader Ginsburg regrets her insults of Donald Trump.

The Supreme Court justice — who has been involved in a scuffle with the presumptive Republican nominee over the past few days — apologized for her remarks and promised to stay out of it in the future.

“On reflection, my recent remarks in response to press inquiries were ill-advised and I regret making them,” Ginsburg said in a statement. “Judges should avoid commenting on a candidate for public office. In the future I will be more circumspect.”

In three separate interviews the justice sounded off on Trump, at one point saying she didn’t “want to contemplate” the effects a Trump candidacy would have on the court. Ginsburg is known for her liberal bent, but the comments created a firestorm nonetheless because members of the Supreme Court generally avoid getting involved in presidential politics.

Trump called on her to resign from her post and said “her mind is shot!”

But he wasn’t the only one unhappy with the remarks: Ginsburg received widespread (and bipartisan) criticism, even earning editorials from both The New York Times andTheWashington Post.

24 Comments on Ginzy Apologizes

  1. Ruthie dishes on DJT in a very personal interview, but then she uses the communications venue of “the court” to apologize.

    Trump is right, her brain is addled (and she drools while she sleeps in court).

  2. Too late, she showed her bias and inability to judge a case based on the Constitution and not her warped, leftist view points. She is just in CYA mode since even the NYTs ripped her on not being able to contain the facade of impartiality.

  3. According to legal expert Mark Levin, she violated the Court’s Code of Ethics and should resign or be impeached. Of course that won’t happen because she’s a left winger.

  4. when you start seeing nyt, msnbc, etc making defending trump, and criticizing hillary, you know they are losing the narrative

    interesting how this aligns with trump up in the polls, hillary down

  5. “The Supreme Court justice — who has been involved in a scuffle with the presumptive Republican nominee…”

    Was it an anti-Trump protestor “scuffle”, or just a little dust-kicking “scuffle”? That word is so elastic these days.

  6. She needs to resign or the Congress has to be actively seen to start proceedings to impeach her. That way all her left wing bias in her decisions can come out to the public and when added to her public comments both current and in the past the American people can see just how biased and non constitutional the Democrat appointed Judges have destroyed the impartiality of the SCOTUS.

  7. When a mafia don “explains” his years of hired killings, and “explains” the outrage at his “explanation” with “Maybe” (just maybe) “that could have been phrased better” – I don’t think any the worse of him. As for the people that then put a gun to my head, and insist I make The Don another (another!) sammich, and give Him my wallet for the trouble “I” caused by not giving Him my wallet and a sammich in gratitude for His first (completely unnecessary) “explanation” – well, it’s good to be The Don.

  8. I can picture the Statue of Liberty with her face imposed holding the scales of justice with one dish always held down. That’s all I got, I can picture it but I can’t create it. I ain’t no BFH. I’ll go hit the tip jar now… or barrel in his case.

  9. “and, with my apology, you can be sure that any decison I may arrive at involving Mr. Trump will in no way be swayed by my personal opinion of the man…no, really!!”

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