Giving Tuesday – IOTW Report

Giving Tuesday

The U.S. Sun

GIVING Tuesday is a global day of charity, which involves doing selfless acts for others and comes after Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

The movement began in 2012 in the US following Thanksgiving and has become a social media fad ever since. More

Survey says, Americans do 8 good deeds a month and a majority are giving more this year. Here

Oh, and there’s an “app” for giving now. Here

19 Comments on Giving Tuesday

  1. An app to make your charitable donations “effective.” Gee, I wonder what THAT means.

    It’s not as if there is little money going to sub-Saharan Africa, it’s that most of it is being eaten up by corruption. “Effective altruists” my patooti. Does the Clinton Foundation and/or the Big Guy get their cut?

  2. It bears repeating that Americans give more to charity than any other country (not even close) and that Republicans give way more than Democrats.

    Maybe it’s nothing but I am always suspicious of anything with “Global” in its name, so this is the one day of the year where my wallet stays closed.

    One more Bible verse the progs ignore;

    Matthew 6:1-4
    Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”

  3. I’ve got some million dollar bills that I’ve attached a note to that says I’m white, but not a racist, and anyone or any organization that says I am a racist I will not be donating to. I’m carrying these around so every time I see a red salvation army kettle I can put one in it.

  4. Giving, to me IMHO, has gotten out of hand. Every where I turn, someone is trying to get into my wallet – and some organizations are trying to get out of their wallet. Yep, I’m a racists and the Salvation Army wants me to apologize for being white. I quit giving to the SA when I saw firsthand how they operate, now this just reinforces me from ever giving.

    Along with coins this Christmas, Salvation Army wants white donors to offer a “sincere apology” for their racism

    Drop a note into the bell ringer’s red bucket saying how you feel about this. The backlash is tremendous.

  5. Really don’t appreciate being told when to be charitable. Giving Tuesday wreaks of a socialist mandate.
    I give to charities when and if I decide, including the amount I want to give and to whom.
    I don’t need the woke progressive community’s permission to give on a particular day they choose.

    BTW, Ditto Rich Taylor +thumbs up.

  6. I give only to small locally run animal charities. At work, at least in the Cleveland office, we were heavily coerced into giving to the worthless United Way. One year I tore up the cards I was ordered to give to staff, as well as, my own. When I was hounded about turning them in I swore I had along with cash and someone must have kept it. That was the end of it. Eff ’em all.

  7. There was a food give-away in Arkansas and people were lined up – IN THEIR VEHICLES WITH THE MOTORS RUNNING AND THE A/C ON – for about 1/2 mile.

    We had a food give-away here, just a couple of months ago, and the same thing occurred – VEHICLES LINED UP WITH MOTORS RUNNING AND THE HEAT ON – waiting to get “free” food!

    What these maggots burned up in gas they could have bought groceries.
    Fuckin pathetic.
    A pound of sausage costs $1.94 and a six-pack of English muffins $1.18 which feeds me for 6 days (Walmart prices). Of course I have to cook it.

    We’re becoming a nation of … I don’t know what …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. Aren’t you just a little sick of government that selectively tries to direct the behavior of free citizens?
    Do you think looters donate all those Reebock’s to the Salvation Army?
    Deep thoughts.


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