Glenn Beck Media Empire Crumbling – IOTW Report

Glenn Beck Media Empire Crumbling


The Blaze is cutting 40 employees and seeking to consolidate, geographically, to one location in Irving, Texas.

It couldn’t happen to a more deserving dipwad. I’ll enjoy the day where the only forum this moron has in order to call you and I a racist and a progressive (because we supported Newt Gingrich) is from a street corner while he wears a sandwich board while ringing a bell.

And please, spare me the “he was great when he was warning everyone about the coming caliphate” crapola.

Every stitch of that material was stolen from Robert Spencer. Beck would call Spencer and ask him to come on the show. Somehow, he never had time for Spencer, but his material would show up on his blackboard with NO ATTRIBUTION.

This happened over and over. The guy is a sack of sh!t.

41 Comments on Glenn Beck Media Empire Crumbling

  1. One thing I love about Ted Cruz is that you could feel the distancing between him and Beck even while Beck was humping his leg on stage.

    Cruz always had that “sorry about my friend” look on his face.

  2. I have a new description that I’ve been using in my vocabulary-GlennBeckCrazy

    I don’t know about that Cruz look Fur-he seemed awfully happy to appear with him numerous times.

  3. Say what you what you want about Beck but at least he had the sense to uncover the real piece of crap Trump is when it seems so many are in a state of Obama like worship for the man.

  4. Beck is one of those assholes who always tries to say things just on the cusp of being totally outrageous and then tries to walk it back after he’s pissed too many people off. It’s all part of his bullshit addictive personality mindset. He wants to see how much he can get away with while avoiding the consequences. With his anti-Trump campaign, he pushed it too far, and now he’s been exposed as a the total shitbag that many of us already pegged him for years ago.

  5. I don’t even care about his Anti-Trump stance.
    That’s his right.
    But if he says everyone that supports Trump is a racist (which he’s probably said already, but I missed it) then it’s a problem.

    Beck says things that would normally get one’s teeth knocked down their throat.

  6. @mrhanoverfist

    “I hope he stays on air long enough for Trump to win so I can hear him blow his brains out live on the radio.”

    I just wanted to repeat that.

  7. And I used to be a beckbot and am passed at myself for getting snookered by this pos! Good luck mark levin. You let this fool talk you into tv when his is going down in flames!

  8. I used to listen to Beck and watch his show, all of the time. Then Andrew Breitbart called him out and my eyes opened. All of a sudden, the weird inconsistencies made sense, if you look at it as though Glenn Beck were stealing all of his information, it would explain why his stances never reflected his info. I’m sure somewhere up there, Andrew is laughing with us.

  9. MM
    April 29, 2016 at 3:40 pm
    I must have missed what Beck uncovered TrueLiberty, what exactly was it?

    Just the little old fact Trump is nothing he claims to be suddenly out of the blue.

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