‘Global Warming’ Could Alter Personalities – IOTW Report

‘Global Warming’ Could Alter Personalities

Climate Depot: A new Columbia Business School study is out with the latest bizarre claim about man-made global warming — it could alter people’s personalities.

“As climate change continues across the world, we may also observe concomitant changes in human personality,” reads the study, published in the journal Nature on Tuesday.

It’s only the latest in a slew of studies on the potential psychological effects of future warming, and it’s not even the most bizarre. For example, recent studies have claimed worry about global warming is making people depressed. read more

17 Comments on ‘Global Warming’ Could Alter Personalities

  1. “Even more bizarre, a 2015 Harvard School of Public Health study claims, “Carbon dioxide (CO2) has a direct and negative impact on human cognition and decision-making.” Basically, suggesting global warming will make humans dumber.”
    I agree totally, look how many “snowflakes” globul warming produced. Whole generation. 😉

  2. Ha ha ha! So, a sick, demented fantasy of Al Gore’s and some hanging-on lickspittles’ is going to affect human personality?

    Too late, dumbfucks!
    It already has. Millions of (otherwise) rational people have sucked into the Globaloney scam! $Billions are being bilked out of the worlds taxpayers to siphon off to rich, politically-connected criminal master-minds!
    Soros, Buffett, Obola, Jarrett, Trudeau, Maricon, Carnahan, Merkel, Gore, Pelosi, Putin, and a host of others – known and lesser-known, hiding in shadows.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. There may be some truth to this. My observations show that living in an equatorial climate leads you to being either lazy, a moron, or both. May I use the Middle East an an example of my studies…

  4. Typical confusion between correlation and causation. There’s a clear correlation between aberrant personalities and emotional investment in the climate hoax. An honest analysis of weather and climate data shows that the changes in climate we’ve been seeing are well within natural variation and are usually explainable with mechanisms that have nothing to do with CO2.

    Since there is no climate change to affect personalities, it must be that pathological personalities come first and subsequently become perversely obsessed with the climate hoax.

    Either that or their doctors dropped them on their heads in the delivery room.

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