Globalists Anticipate People Being In Masks Indefinitely – IOTW Report

Globalists Anticipate People Being In Masks Indefinitely


World Economic Forum is at it again. The globalist titans behind ‘the Great Reset’ are now promoting a “smart face mask” that tracks every breath its wearer takes. The masks received a frosty reception online.

As the Western world inches slowly but surely toward full vaccination against Covid-19, much of the public is likely looking forward to kissing face masks and social distancing goodbye. Not the elites at the World Economic Forum, it seems. The Davos crew posted a tweet on Wednesday promoting “the mask of the future,” a high-tech face covering designed by Chinese-owned health data firm CirQ Technologies.

ht/ hot salsa

25 Comments on Globalists Anticipate People Being In Masks Indefinitely

  1. I was forced to goto the secretary of state a couple days ago. All of them near me have lines around the building every single day, something about the coof that draws people to these places, it wasn’t that busy pre-coof. So I drove an hour into rural setting with far fewer people. 9 people were in front of me. 4 people working behind the counter. As I got closer it dwindled down to 2 people behind the counter and took about 40 minutes to get service.

    Between each person being serviced, they would pull out a sanitary wet wipe and wipe down the counter, the protective fiberglass stand you look thru, and everything within their reach. After doing so it was break time, they would chat, get up to stretch, drink some water, aimlessly walk very slowly to do nothing, play with their hair, you name it, it was several minutes of break time between EVERY SINGLE customer. Then sit back in the chair look around, laugh with the other workers, look at the line, at the ceiling, to the floor, then pull out another wet wipe and wipe the counter again and finally call out NEXT!

    My god, I was about to shoot the place up. These are the people who want the coof to never end as their workload is reduced to less than 50%. Cleaning their area to them means do nothing for as long as possible. That was the longest I’ve been forced to wear a mask, and holy shit I swear I was about to pass out smelling my own breath. Not a chance in hell will I be doing anything like that ever again. Take your mask and shuv it.

  2. Guess who will buy those masks. Dumb trendy bitches. Say they’re ‘exclusive’ and ‘fair trade’ and ‘made from bamboo’ and women will jump on them like Cuomo on an intern.

  3. I wear it when entering private property requires it, usually take it off soon because it fogs the glasses.
    Good thing about small towns; neighbors are there when needed; mind their own business when not.

  4. My fear is that, after fighting hard to regain our liberties, far too many of us will be too busy celebrating the return of 85% of our liberties to notice the 15% loss.

  5. Wiredog1837- yep. Tell them you’re hard of hearing and have to see their mouths. LOL. “Either pull your mask down so I can hear you or I’m going to have to stand 14 inches from your face.” 🤣

    There are so many things you can do to annoy them.

  6. If you meet anyone who actually agrees with this dystopian plan, start work on a plan to kill them later, should the opportunity arise. They do not deserve the gift of life.


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