Go Away Brian, You’re Still Drunk – IOTW Report

Go Away Brian, You’re Still Drunk

D-bag Brian Williams says that we used the atom bomb on Japan “out of anger.”

Well, I’m going to kick you in your crooked face out of anger.

What is this moron talking about?  Wait, what am I saying? He knows better than I do. Wasn’t he the pilot on the Enola Gay?  Video—>

21 Comments on Go Away Brian, You’re Still Drunk

  1. Poor fucking stupid Brian Williams. You will never cop on will you? You’re an asshole. Make yourself feel good and have a few martinis with Catie Couric. She, phony as she is, probably detests your ass too.

  2. The primary motivation for dropping The Bombs on Japan was to tell Joe Stalin, “Don’t even THINK about using all that war materiel we sent over to you to fuck with the U.S.”

    There was more to it than that, but that was the #1 reason.

  3. War is Hell on Earth.

    In the Fire Bombing of Dresden, Germany more people died than Nagasaki and Hiroshima combined…. all in just 24 hours..

    To survive War, battle, or military conflict, Force must be met with equal or greater force to gain total submission through a crushing defeat of the enemy. This was the case in WWII.

    This knowledge and experience has not been deployed since WWII. Not in Korea, Vietnam, the Middle East or in countless smaller military excursions.

    Politically the US is no longer willing or able to use the force to crush enemies to submission. We have been forced into half-assed long, drawn out military conflicts at the cost of 100,000+ Soldiers, Marines, Naval and Air Force personnel and untold Billions of National wealth. For what end? Political purposes?

    We can no longer afford the politically appointed perfumed princes in the DOD and pentagon to waste our young military men and women as expendable pawns on a political chess board.

    If this nation chooses to fight, they must be willing to win….with all resources,
    at all costs


  4. Let me add if we were in the same situation today, those bombs would not have been dropped, And after the wipe out, after the investigations, after the Congressional inquires, after the New York Times and Media opinion pieces, after the burial of millions, some one in government would say:


  5. So Brian Williams is still a fucking cunt of the first order. Gee… Brian… You don’t suppose all that “anger” had anything to do with the following actions by the government of Japan before Hiroshima and Nagasaki…

    1. Bombing of Pearl Harbor.

    2. Invasion & occupation of much of China and SE Asia.

    3. The mass murder, rape, and torture of civilians in Manchuria.

    4. The murder and torture of Allied POWs in complete violation of the Geneva Convention.

    5. The barbaric experiments performed on USSR, British, and US POWs as well as Chinese civilians in Japanese military labs in Manchuria.

    6. The complete unwillingness of the cunts running Japan at the end of WWII to surrender even though it was clearly hopeless that they’d have any chance of winning.

    The government of Japan earned every bit of ill will felt towards them at the end of WWII. So fuck you Brian Williams and fuck you too President Obama.

  6. “Don’t start no shit,
    Won’t be no shit.”

    Fuck Japan.
    Fuck Germany.
    Fuck Italy.
    Fuck the USSR.
    Fuck France.
    And just for the fun of it: Fuck England (Britain).

    The combined lot of em ain’t worth the bones of a single West Virginian Grenadier.
    (to paraphrase Bismarck)

    izlamo delenda est …

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