Go Green… as in mold… and teeth – IOTW Report

Go Green… as in mold… and teeth

Conservative Cowgirl told me a quick story about a trip she made to a market. It verified that these “green” “good for the planet” people are simply gross.
I went to  a grocery stores and had an experience that says a lot about “earth people.” I brought re-useable, but washable bags, that I sew.
The checker made a comment through clenched teeth about the fact I had “a lot of bags.” She and the bagger donned gloves, and when the checker opened one she looked startled and exclaimed, “your bags are so clean!!”
I said, “of course they are; I wash them every week.”
She told me that the people who usually bring their own bags (you know who the virtue signalers are) don’t; they smell and have filth at the bottom and it has made her gag. (The bags.) (Maybe the people, too!)
She was so happy I had clean bags.
What a relief that it was a conservative who brought in their own bag this time.
-Conservative Cowgirl
As long as we are listing the characteristics of the two sides of the aisle, can we all agree that the left is the party of personal filth?
They’re the party that can hold an anti-litter rally and leave the place worse than it was before they showed up.

24 Comments on Go Green… as in mold… and teeth

  1. My son refuses to reuse bags that have not been washed. Admittedly, he is a bit of a germophobe, BUT it is also true he examines situations astutely, especially given his age (14). These people are adults and still behave like mudslinging children.

  2. I bring my own bags but I pack my own groceries as well. I’ve seen people pull the cloth bagas out and hand them to the cashier and half the time the expression on their face is pretty priceless. The bags I have are reinforced paper with a laminate so I brush them out and don’t have to wash them. The cashiers are happy I just take everything and put it back in the cart as fast as it goes through.

  3. “But overall, reusable bags need to be used at least 50 times in order for their environmental benefits to be realised.”
    “…encouraging people to buy reusable bags without making sure these bags actually get reused an adequate number of times results in a worse result for the environment overall.”

    How many of these people actually use their reusable bags enough to make them use less energy overall over their lifetime than a disposable bag?

  4. Why are people carrying bags to the store? Are they BELIEVING the left’s narrative that they are somehow SAVING “the Planet”. This is CULT doctrine, ya know. What could be better than free bags from the market? They can be used for everything. Now, true, I end up tossing some of them. They were made from “Earth” and to Earth they shall return….via the landfill.

  5. More euroweenie wannabes trying to shoehorn their stupidity into American culture! This is America for crying out loud! We invented the supermarket! And disposable grocery bags! We saved ourselves from carrying around a disgusting petri dish of foulness and disease. Now we spend more on fighting back the mutant germs of illness than we’ll ever save for dear old Gaia. What colossal hubris to think your puny actions are holding earth in the balance. Have these people ever taken a two week vacation from their precious organic gardens? Two weeks! The thing has been reclaimed by Mother Earth. Neglected for three and you couldn’t tell there was a garden. Idiots.

  6. I now have to purchase regular paper bags and I throw them in the recycler. They want to save the earth?! Stop sending me glossy, multi-inked placards in the mail reminding me to do all I can to Save The Planet.

  7. I use and like the plastic ones. the environment is what you make it. I don’t throw them on the ground and reuse them for other applications. generally it isn’t the western civilization that litters. go to any third world country and they literally throw everything on the ground, they never dispose of things in a nice way.

  8. I use what I want, however I want. I don’t recycle. The city gave me a huge recycle bin for the street and I dragged it 5 houses down and abandoned it. I do not dig thru trash, I create trash.

  9. In California, you have to bring your own bags, or pay 10 cents per plastic bag. Unless you have EBT, in which case the bags are free. I bring my own reusable washable bags and bought a huge box of plastic bags so I can bring plastic bags to put meat in.

  10. Why are they so darned dirty in the first place? I have a multitude of reusable bags that rarely get washed. Only if something leaks or spills, almost never, do I wash them. These people are careless and gross.

  11. The dollar store bags are heavy duty plastic and will last for months if not years. They cost a dime. The part I like is taking them to other stores and flaunting them. The stores were in cahoots with the dems who forced this on us. Screw em.

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