Going to the Inauguration? You Should Know Where You Are Eating – IOTW Report

Going to the Inauguration? You Should Know Where You Are Eating

A group of DC restaurants and bars are donating part of their profits to charity as part of a program called All In Service.

On its face it sounds innocent enough. Who could object to donating to the poor?

But maybe you should ask the establishment where they are donating before sitting down to eat or drink.

Bourbon, one of the restaurants involved, plans on giving to Planned Parenthood, a way of protesting against Trump.

Chez Billy Sud is donating to immigrants through an organization called Ayuda. It’s not clear if the organization supports illegals.

I’d do the research.

Just a heads up.

ht/ abigail adams

9 Comments on Going to the Inauguration? You Should Know Where You Are Eating

  1. Thought about dropping in for the inaugural but thought it not prudent. Plus I don’t like crowds.

    Once these snowflake restaurants get revealed they can easily be cratered by word of mouth.

    I might change my mind and slide in anyway but it’s unlikely. But I do have an impetuous side so…. it’s a fairly quick trip and I do know the back roads.

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