#GonadsMatter – IOTW Report


So if Trump suggests Megyn Kelly’s mood might be altered by a female biological part it’s the height of sexist outrage.

But If Rich Lowry suggests that Trump’s power, or lack of it, might be predicated upon the removal of a biological man part, it’s much ado about nothing.

Got it.


14 Comments on #GonadsMatter

  1. ok, so it seems that Twitchy has a thing against Trump, but that offsets the Trumpombies that jump on anything uttered against him. If you look at his past and where he donated his money (Clinton Foundation…) you will see he is not really all that conservative. Yes he is better than yeb or shillary or kripsy crème but is he really the best we can do?

  2. I’m not crazy about him either, and I know any candidate who has business interests donates to both sides… But you gotta wonder why people are so much more interested in taking him down rather than making an effort into supporting a Conservative candidate.

    Here’s another thing that bugs me- No blog or news agency should complain daily about wall to wall trump coverage — and then proceed to talk about him breathlessly. lol.

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