“Gone With the Wind” is ‘insensitive’ – IOTW Report

“Gone With the Wind” is ‘insensitive’

Diogenes’ Middle Finger: It was only a matter of time until the war on Confederate statues metastasized to culture and the first target it seems is “Gone With the Wind”, considered one of the greatest American movies ever made and currently #4 on the American Film Institute’s Top 100 movies of all time.

The Orpheum Theater in Memphis Tenn. have started the ball rolling by deciding to drop the classic 1939 movie set in the plantation era South, with a backdrop of the Civil War, from its annual Summer Movie Series due to negative feedback following the films last showing earlier this month.

“As an organization whose stated mission is to ‘entertain, educate and enlighten the communities it serves’, the Orpheum cannot show a film that is insensitive to a large segment of its local population,” the theater’s operators said in a statement. The historic theater in Downtown Memphis has shown the movie for decades, but this year’s event “generated numerous comments,” leading to the decision.” –WREG.com Memphis

By deeming a classic like “Gone With the Wind” which won Eight Academy Awards to be so offensive that it is effectively being censored will only embolden the cultural jihadists to go after other films. Can we say Cowboys and Indians??  more here

26 Comments on “Gone With the Wind” is ‘insensitive’

  1. I think it would be great if these groups would go after movies like GWTW (as well as the book) demanding that they either recut to remove what they determine is offensive or all prints destroyed along with the book. Have them screaming in the streets in front of theatres as well as boycotting Amazon as long as they still sell it. That would define them for what they actually are, which are Nazis.

  2. The last cruise I went on left out of Norfolk Va and they were playing this on the ships Jumbotron.
    Most of the passengers were form Petersburg, Hampton Roads and Richmond.

    Man that was some kind of funny right there!

  3. Just another step on the path of white genocide. Brainwash as many people as possible to be ashamed of merely being white. Tear down all art associated with whites. Destroy language associated with whites. Destroy music, film, and literature associated with whites.

    Replace it with that shit the ghetto trash like.

  4. How can this be happening in a country that just had eight years of Black Enlightenment? Is this the end result of the Fundamental Transformation we were promised, or just the start of the Cultural Revolution we didn’t realize our country needed? Stalin and Mao would feel right at home with these Cultural Revisionists.

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