GOP Lawmakers Introduce Censure Measure, Call On Maxine Waters To Resign – IOTW Report

GOP Lawmakers Introduce Censure Measure, Call On Maxine Waters To Resign

DC: Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs on Monday introduced a measure that would censure Rep. Maxine Waters and ask her to resign for inciting people to publicly confront Trump administration officials.

Biggs told The Hill that Waters’ comments do “not become somebody who’s in Congress” and warrant disciplinary action.

“So we just introduced it, we have some cosponsors, but what she did was to basically incite people to come after and attack members of the president’s cabinet,” the Arizona Republican told The Hill. “And also spread that out to more people.”

“Everybody agrees that it was just highly objectionable what she did,” he added.

The measure calls on Waters to apologize to Trump administration officials “for endangering their lives and sowing seeds of discord,” to release a statement making it clear that violence and harassment aren’t appropriate ways to protest, and finally to resign her House seat.  read more

16 Comments on GOP Lawmakers Introduce Censure Measure, Call On Maxine Waters To Resign

  1. THAT’S RACIST! You can’t expect a “woman of color” to play by your “white privilege” rules! These people are special and must be given a pass because……Trump!

  2. She’s going around claiming everyone who thinks she’s demagogue are mischaracterizing her remarks. Sure, she says, harass members of the administration, but do so peacefully.

    The nation will sleep quieter once Maxine and the media have been separated from each other.

  3. Dr. Tar – I would tweak that to say that the nation will sleep quieter once Maxine and the media have been separated from this country.

    But I’m glad somebody is trying to rebuke her since Ryan and McConnell have done jack squat.

  4. Censure? Screw that. Someone needs to grow a pair and charge this ignorant POS with treason, sedition, inciting violence, spitting on the sidewalk or just being to damn ugly to be human. Enough already, voters of her district do your damn job and get rid of this screeching harpy.
    Allowing incitement of violence is not going to play out well. Some one is going to get hurt and then there will be swift and deadly retaliations. It’s going to get nasty real quick.

  5. It wasn’t only Waters who encouraged the rabble to attack the Cabinet, WH officials and staff, and other Trump supporters. After her call to action, there were several other Democrat congressmen and -women who took up her message. Waters acted recklessly and dangerously. Steve Scalise and the others who were wounded or just lucky to be alive after that anti-Trump goon opened fire on them knows too well how hair triggered people on the Left are, emotionally.

    That’s why it is vital that we make our calls to the congress and our reps. We must let them know that we know — and are watching and expecting them to act against this kind of threat to us. I’ve been confronted by deranged Bernie and Clinton supporters and it’s not fun. There’s no telling what they might do. And now, given the okie-dokie from several members of congress, it gives them that much more justification and permission to do it.

    Waters must be held accountable and resign. The others should too.

  6. MSNBC has a huge responsibility in all of this.
    Be sure you pass that observation along in your messaging. MSNBC is actively co-ordinating with all the parties on the Democrat side. Fusion – Atencio. Joy Reid – Maxine Waters. Morning Joe n Mika. See a pattern yet? These are the Stokers. It is being directed from the Top.

    For example… on June 26, 2018 at 9:17 AM , an MSNBC Anchor described Sarah Sanders as just ACTING “Put Upon” after being ambushed. This is today. Not kidding. MSNBC Phil Griffin is playing War Games on the United States of America.


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