GOP PAC Going All In Against Trump In Indiana – IOTW Report

GOP PAC Going All In Against Trump In Indiana

Been saying for over a month that the Trump race hinges on Indiana.

The GOP who are against Trump think so too. They are going all-in on Indiana in order to get a brokered convention.

49 Comments on GOP PAC Going All In Against Trump In Indiana

  1. Trumps gaining in the Polls. Latest poll shows him plus 8. Trump campaign has also started Robo Calls in California already. Sounds like they’re getting their ground game together

  2. This is a long scree I wrote and posted earlier today on FB. It seems relevant. Ohio Dan
    Trump has been saying Cruz is trying to steal the election by going after delegates on the second, third or fourth vote. Let’s go over this one step at a time. First, crying foul is also a tactic. Trump has had the right to go after those same delegates on subsequent votes. If he and his team weren’t smart enough to do the same thing or weren’t successful at it, that is on them. The rules state to win on the first ballot one candidate must have the majority (1237) votes. A simple majority isn’t enough. When one doesn’t meet that goal every candidate should, indeed must, garner additional delegates or no standard bearer will be selected for the party. Trump will probably will not win enough delegates to win on the first round. Cruz and Kasich will work very hard to see that he doesn’t. That is what fighters do. They don’t give up, no matter how loud Trump and his supporters shout for them to throw in the towel. In a sane world that is considered an honorable thing.
    Trump has controlled the tenor of this primary, calling SENATOR Cruz Lyin Ted and SENATOR Rubio little Mario. Most people have heard of a Pyrrhic victory. For those unfamiliar, King Pyrrhus won two battles with the Romans but lost so many men he later lost the war to the Romans. That is what Trump has been doing. He has only gotten about 35% of the vote and some of that was from non-republicans. His antics and verbal abuse have resulted in 65% of the voters voting for someone else and against Trump.
    Most delegates are bound on the first vote but many, probably most, do not personally like Trump. Should anyone expet Rubio’s delegates to support Trump after the way Trump denigrated the candidate they were bound to? Trump accused Cruz of personally approving an ad that used a picture of a nearly nude Melania Trump. That didn’t happen. It was made by a PAC. Candidates are not allowed to coordinate with campaigns. The response of the Trump campaign, not a separate PAC, was to post as ugly a picture as they could find of Cruz’s wife next to the billionaire’s wife. Donald is at best an okay looking guy. He is 24 years older than his model wife. Being a billionaire has its perks. Early on in the election, people speculated a Trump/Cruz ticket or Cruz/Trump ticket would be unstoppable. There is no way Cruz would swallow the insults, accusations of non- citizenship and infidelity heaped upon him and his family by Trump and his supporters. Do not expect him to throw his support and delegates behind Trump.
    The position of delegate is awarded by the parties to people that have worked within the party for years, big party donors. They are the party faithful. They will do their duty and vote as instructed on the first round but after that the 65% will assert themselves. Chances are, at minimum, 65% of those delegates will throw their support to someone other than Trump. It seems to me the brilliant tactician, Donald Trump, hasn’t been all that smart. Instead he has been a bull in a china shop. This is has already been the ugliest primary in history. I believe it will get far uglier. It may well result in the worst candidate in history getting elected, Hillary Clinton. Way to go folks. Trump brought out the worst in us and we and our country will suffer for it. I fear for my country.

  3. As Trump moves to the left, his poll numbers are going to climb.
    If Hillary is indicted, Trump won’t need a single Republican to vote for him in the general election.

  4. Strumpets, he’s got more scruples than H->illary! any day, smarter than Bernie and more balls than Ted.

    I notice Ted does really well in states that have cauci, not primary elections.

  5. Or you’re not near as smart as you think you are. Common problem with Cruz fanatics considering he’s not electable. If you think that guys electable after the Glen Beck shit, the Absolution of God, the laying on of hands your nucking futs. Hillary would paint this clown like a Voodoo Preistest. Call your congress person, push Paul.

  6. There seems to be a misunderstanding over why Trump has withstood the incredible assault waged on him by the GOP, the media, the #NeverTrump super PAC and Ted Curz’s super PACs.

    Yes, the visible battle is between Trump and the anti-Trump forces. The invisible battle, the one that refuses to surrender, is waged by the American voters who won’t give in or up anymore. We actually meant it when we said we’ve had enough. We thought the people behind Cruz also had enough. We found out the ones behind Cruz are the ones rooting for the GOPe. They’ve all tried to hide behind and co-opt the label “conservative” but they want the political parties to run elections and decide the candidate — and the nominee. It cannot be Cruz because it would make no sense to give #2 the nomination in the absence of his clear domination of both the total number of votes and earned delegates. If the convention is contested or brokered, it will be a senior party member such as Ryan. The GOP never intended to nominate Cruz; not because they don’t like him, even though they don’t. It is because he hasn’t earned it within the party. He hasn’t paid enough tribute, brought in enough new voters, put in his time, or rose through the ranks. That is how the Republican party works, absent the consent of the governed.

    We’re still standing and will continue to stand. We existed before Trump but we are feared now because he has been the ablest spokesman for all the issues and problems that need addressing and soon. He didn’t craft a platform to pander, it was built on his own perceptions of what is wrong in our foreign and domestic policies. He has stuck like super glue to his message even in the face of hand-wringing from party and media know-alls who’ve never stuck their own necks out or risked a dime of their own money, or risked the future of a business empire that took decades to build and weathered the storms of bad economic times and personal turmoil. And he’s done it all without a Super PAC, without legions of pollsters (with no pollsters), or focus groups. He’s done it by talking directly to the American voters regardless of party affiliation. He doesn’t have a ‘tent’, which he makes ‘larger.’ He is an American entrepreneur who has made a success of his life for himself, for his family and for his employees. He’s not a latter day saint but he seems to be a latter day character straight out of Horatio Alger’s imagination and ethic. He inspires us to be excellent again. He wants us to get our chins off are chests and feel a genuine pride in ourselves and in our country based on the things in which one should be proud. His detractors are confused and irritated by him because they can’t put their finger on who he is like. He’s like no one. Most real leaders are like no one else and that is why they stand out. And when one stands out they are a target for every worn out, used up has-been who never had the courage to stand out for themselves and who may bitterly regret the waste of their own potential for having waited for someone’s approval.

    We will never, ever ring the bell.

  7. I do no agree with Donald that men should use the bathroom, locker room they feel comfortable in. I do not support that PC BS but apparently Donald does. He is like Obamalamadingdong on that.



    Ohio Dan, so let me ask you, are you voting for the R or not in the general. It sure sounds like your tender snowflake sensibilities have been bent out of shape. If not, go kill yourself now.

    Fact is pal ,Trump, by Cleveland, if he hasn’t secured the nod, will be 4-600 delegates ahead of Cruz with about 4 million more votes. You can paint your guy as a “fighter” all you want but the final bell has rung. He lost. Big time. As AA stated, the GOPe will never throw their support to him-he’s the great plotter and he can’t see that??


    Indiana is a Winner Take All via Districts State. It has the advantages of A) being a nice point of focus to distract from Trump’s upcoming YUGE wins next Tuesday, and B) the next State where Cruz has the slightest chance of doing well AND getting an assist from the GOPe. It is NOT “critical to Trump’s campaign”; that is cheap Psy Ops BS.

    Secondly, I still maintain that, while there is a chance the GOPe might spring another stooge (i.e. Ryan) at the convention, it is equally possible(and I suspect moreso likely) the GOPe might just “set Cruz up for the fall,” by helping him into the nomination…as they’ve been doing constantly since !Jeb! and Rubio dropped out. That way, their elite “relative, Hillary wins, so Status Quo is preserved, and the GOPe can turn and point, saying, “I’m shocked! SHOCKED! that yet another conservative extremist could ever hope to win!”

  10. Well I truly wish them all the luck stomping on that fascist. I would like to be able to actually vote for a conservative instead of staying home and realizing either Trump or Hillary it makes no difference for how bad it is for the country to have either one.

  11. TL [sic] CruzTrollSupreme
    proves a point I was going to make at a later date:

    Having just got back from a nightmarish visit to Shapiro’s “Daily Wire”, it finally occurred to me that the way Cruz supporters talk about “being a conservative” as a form of HIVE CONTROL in exactly the same way SCIENTOLOGISTS do in thier “beliefs.” (Ye olde Roach Motel: “they check in but the never check out”).

  12. Czar — The nightmare scenario for the two party system of elections (and, therefor, control of political power and everything that accrue$ via that power), is that the once-contained soldiers on both sides should break ranks and start swapping stories across that ideological Maginot Line. Now that that line has been breached by a growing number of ex-party faithful from both sides (aka “Independents”) we discover that we have more in common than not; the continued existence of our country, just for starters.

    It’s no longer a matter of “Republican” versus “Democrat” or “Conservative versus “Liberal/Progressive.” Those are just convenient labels used to sort lists for the party’s donation phone bank volunteers. And it has never been truly important which letter is behind the name when the solicitation envelopes go out. If there is any doubt of this, experiment by sending five dollars to any party. They will be your Friend For Life and you will get many, many letters from them telling you how much they care about you and your family and can you please send them five dollars more or “any amount”, please? Or you may get very detailed Facebook messages from your new Friends; almost psychic messages that are mystically aligned with the things you’ve posted to your FB page. And because they all care very much about all of us, they would like us to seal our Friendship by sending them “As much as possible.” In fact, from what they write, it is only by the miracle of our “generous contribution” that “we” will win the next “fight” for “______________ !”

  13. Czar, I have figured out what the great chasm between you and I is.
    I believe Donald Trump, and you do not.

    When Trump says he wants legal protections for men that expose themselves to your daughter in a restroom, I believe him.
    When Trump says he wants infanticide rights inserted in the Republican platform, I believe him.
    When Trump says he will force those in the military, like my son, to kill innocent women and children for being related to a terrorist, believe him.
    When Trump promises to cut to the chase and dump Obamacare for a complete communist government run healthcare system, I believe him.
    When Trump promises to raise taxes on the rich, I believe him.
    When Trump promises amnesty, if they fill out a form, to the illegals here, I believe him.
    When Trump promises $15B to unions complete an already in progress and largely completed fence across 1/2 of the border while leaving the border crossings open without even the requirement of ID, much less a passport, I believe him.

    I could write pages of this, but you get the point.

  14. JohnSh!tForBrains,

    Your childish attempt to use Reverse Psychology is as desperate as it is disingenuous.

    You do NOT believe Trump; you just SELECTIVELY “HEAR” what you want to, in order to attack Trump and his supporters. You are all too predictable…a ONE NOTE JOHNNY, so to say.

    In that respect, GO F*CK OFF. Stay at Daily Wire, Moonbattery, or a host of other CLICHE-RIDDEN CRUZ-DROOLING SITES, as long as you insist on spewing your mindless twaddle.

    You do seem to have a near-human ability to talk quasi-knowledgeably about some other stuff, such as firearms and computers.

    Embarass yourself less in the future:
    stick with what you know, or just STICK IT.

  15. TO AA

    On your observation about “the once-contained soldiers on both sides should break ranks and start swapping stories across that ideological Maginot Line,” that goes to show that Trump is on the right track.

    As with the link I have above from Reagan Coalition, that Sanders supporters would move to Trump to “force” the confrontation speaks volumes. In contrast, I cannot imagine a single Trump supporter who would EVER even CONSIDER moving to support Sanders.

    Goes to show ya that SOME
    Scientologists AND Borgs
    CAN escape the “hive”!!!

  16. Where is Trump on global warming? Sincerely, there are people who can answer that.

    We know where he stands on men in bathrooms and locker rooms with your 8 year old granddaughter.

  17. Czar people here are discussing Trump’s platform. I would like to hear about his position on human caused global warming. I don’t see why that question should be brushed off.

    (I wonder if I found my avatar with this post)

  18. So the message I got from the poster is that Trump doesn’t want to stop scaring people about human caused global warming.

    I’m asking for a simple answer to a simple question here for all to see.

    What is Trump’s position on human caused global warming? There are Trump supporters here who must know the answer to this.

    Why am I constantly being brushed off on this issue?

  19. Czar, thank you.
    Until now you have resisted admitting that you agree with all of Trumps leftist positions. Congratulations on coming out of the progressive closet.
    Hopefully this will embolden the other liberals on this site to quit pretending and proudly state their positions.
    I can only imagine how difficult it is to live a lie, so I understand the source of all the petty insults is rooted in the personal frustration of not being able to be who you really are.
    You are now free! As Trump himself would say were he here, “Fly my pretties, fly”.

  20. 18,000 illegal aliens caught in 5 months in single Texas sector. This says nothing about how many got through. Only Trump made stopping this a campaign issue.

    Keep your eye on important issues the government is bound by law to uphold – border security. Bathrooms and the rest are a distraction of shiny objects the elites use to occupy your attention while they rob you of your wages and freedom.

    Don’t be a putz. Trump 2016.

  21. TO Zonga

    There are TONS of Leftist GOTCHA issues
    I and other Trump supporters
    …until things of HIGHER PRIORITY
    are properly addressed.

  22. Zonga, The progs are disappointed in Trumps most recent position on AGW, so they shy away from it. They liked his previous position better. This is his position until the issue comes up again.
    He believes AGW is real, but it is not as important as other issues that he wants to address.
    He also admitted that some aspects of AGW are not necessarily bad.

  23. TO pageoturner

    I missed your post before writing;
    we’re saying pretty much the same.

    GOES TO SHOW YA that
    some of these Cruz supporters
    really DO act like Leftists
    (tactics, topics, yada yada…).

  24. Zonga, no ill will or “brushing off” intended!

    When “Anonymous” (don’t know if it’s the same rabidly anti-Trump Anonymous who posts here occasionally or not) asked, I repsonded calmly and respectfully.

    If I happen to know the answer off the top of my head or know right where a link is to a question, no prob! But I’m not under any obligations to do researching for anyone…

  25. @Zonga — Donald Trump is very clear about “global warming” or “climate change.” He thinks it’s nonsense and has ridiculed obama numerous times for making it his Chicken Little centerpiece of a national security “threat.” Trump had particular scorn for obama’s declaration, as he made it at the conclusion of that Global Warming Summit (or whatever they called it) in Paris on the heels of the Paris and San Bernadino muslim terror attacks.

    Trump responds to obama’s nonsensical attitudes and beliefs about this and other subjects of security (like allowing undocumented Syrians and other ME “refugees” into the U.S.) in the same way most of us do — with a huge dose of skepticism and disbelief that any U.S. president could be so stupid. Trump believes that at least some of obama’s motivations are incredibly suspect and contemptible to Americans.

    But Czar is correct. This and anything else you want to know about Trump is readily available through almost effortless research or by listening to just a few of his speeches and/or interviews. I’m glad to answer any questions you have about him, but I hope you invest some of your time learning these things for yourself so that you can make decisions on primary source information.

    On the bathroom thing: I would have loved for Trump to come out strongly against legislation that allows transgendered people (primarily men) use any public restroom. But, again, Czar is right. It is a perfect example of a throw-away social issue so loved by Victim Activists to garner votes for their cause. Personally, I would never let an eight year old, boy or girl, go into a public restroom unaccompanied by a same sex, older friend or relative — regardless of the “rules” in place for that locale. Just because a men’s bathroom, for example, doesn’t allow transgendered individuals doesn’t mean there aren’t clean-cut, upright looking pedophiles laying in wait for them. Same for the women’s room. Cripes, we’ve got people openly peeing in our public places and public shooting galleries set up for the security of addicts. The whole social world is upside down! One of my hopes, outside of reversing the economic free fall this country is in, is a return to a normal social order which recognizes how far down the sewer we are. The pendulum never rests and it never stays stuck in one position for long. Trump give me renewed hope that this tide is turning, but he’s not going to win votes by coming off as a crazed moralist who hates people.

  26. Thanks Czar & Abigail, I saw his bathroom interview and it is important to me. There are many many issues to be discussed but that and the global warming taxes, and skyrocketing electricity costs are important to everybody. I recently read that in the Euro place the estimate is that 30% of winter deaths are caused by living in low temperatures because the people cannot afford to heat their homes adequately. Mostly old people dying off. It can happen here if horribly expensive “green energy” is shoved down our throats, and that is what obama is shoveling right now with the Paris deal. Will Congress have the guts to say No? Will the next president have what it takes to end this costly hallucination?

    Then the horror when the White House was lit with a rainbow and the president was kissing ass. Don’t want to see that pandering and dangerous social “transformation” anymore. I think a president can put that obsessive pandering down, down.

  27. @Zonga —

    Sorry, forgot to address other issues surrounding Trump’s views of “Global Warming.”

    He has no bloody use for politicians who support obama’s actions toward shutting down the U.S. coal industry. He thinks it is an abomination to cut an abundant source of energy out from under the people of the U.S. when it can be a main source of an energy independence, coal-related jobs (there are so many), and economical to use. It is just common sense — which is the hallmark of Trump’s platform.

    Trump thinks that “Global Warming” is another tool of the globalists to weaken America’s standing in the world; continuing to make us a scapegoat perpetrator of global poverty and a necessary Rich Uncle for reparations for every bad thing that happens to unstable and irresponsible countries.

    He says, explicitly, it makes no sense for the U.S. to not exploit clean coal technology, for example, and instead sell off its rich coal resources on the cheap to China and India; countries which have no environmental regulation over pollution. China is paying a heavy price for that. People are dying there right now from unabated air pollution. Trump points out the hypocrisy of the obama administration’s NIMBY policies regarding the fire sale on cheap American coal, the devastation to local economies that rely on coal jobs, and the fact that free-wheeling, coal-burning countries like China and India are also part of the “global” in “Global Warming.” Trump is not stupid, he knows there is deceit and money to be made by the proponents of “Global Warming.”

    So many of Trump’s positions are just unvarnished common sense solutions. He’s sick of thousand page bills that have little to do with their official subject and instead are just a whitewash of every piece of pork legislation and agenda-coverup there is. He’s not hard to understand.

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