GOP TN Rep. to ABC: You Don’t Want to Talk About Racist Remarks from Expelled Dem Rep. – IOTW Report

GOP TN Rep. to ABC: You Don’t Want to Talk About Racist Remarks from Expelled Dem Rep.

Breitbart: During an interview on ABC News Live on Monday, Tennessee State Rep. Sabi “Doc” Kumar (R) criticized ABC host Kayna Whitworth for changing the subject to gun control rather than talking about one of the expelled Tennessee State House members, Rep. Justin Jones (D), calling him “a brown face on white supremacy.

Whitworth asked, “A lot of people have called into question the rationale behind expelling both African American lawmakers, but not Rep. Gloria Johnson (D), who is white, some calling it racist. In your opinion, was it, or, in your opinion, why did she remain?”

Kumar answered, “One of my remarks from the floor of the House was that — to Rep. Jones, he look[s] at everything through the lens of race.” After saying that Johnson didn’t receive enough votes for expulsion due to two members having to miss the vote, Kumar added, “It is very sad when people who commit racism claim that they’re fighting racism. That is really, really an irony and a tragedy. I can give you an example of racism by Rep. Jones if you think that we have time.”

Whitworth then said, “I think we should move on to the subject of gun control for a moment here” and then asked about red flag laws.

After discussing red flag laws and other gun control laws, Kumar stated that the lawmakers should have just proposed legislation instead of trying to take over the floor.

He added, “I’m very disappointed that you did not want me to talk about the racist act by Rep. Jones, who called me a ‘brown face’.” WATCH

4 Comments on GOP TN Rep. to ABC: You Don’t Want to Talk About Racist Remarks from Expelled Dem Rep.

  1. They keep pushing the narrative that the vote was racist because Johnson wasn’t expelled. She had expressed remorse, which was barely enough to save her. The two mens’ votes were around 72-25, hers was 65-30 – still more than 2/3 of those who voted but it had to be 2/3 of the entire 99 members.
    And Jones’ response to Kumar – after being called out by Kumar for referring to him in racist terms – was to continue to refer to him in racist terms.

  2. Kumar makes this statement, “… to Rep. Jones, he look[s] at everything through the lens of race.”

    Well fucking ey, welcome to the party pal. Is this a new awareness???Good Lord. When I lived in 5 Points, the mostly black neighborhood in Denver and associated with blacks, I lost count of the times that no matter what the fucking problem one of them had with ANYTHING, it was because they were black.

    Fired from a job, turned down for a job, traffic ticket, neighbors complaining, busted for something…you name it, it was a total lack of self awareness. Same GD thing in the State House in TN. Fucking asshole gets a bullhorn and joins the mob and now it’s whitey’s fault?

    The EXACT reason you are a representative in a republic is so you can work things out with other representatives, not fucking demand it’s your way or you’re gonna burn everything down.

    Turn that around and have a white Rep pull that shit and watch how much “protesting” we are allowed. See J6 if you have a fucking memory hole for retention.

    My Tired Of This Shit Meter is pegged at 11.


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