Gov Cuomo says “he has not yet begun to fight Trump” on everything he does – IOTW Report

Gov Cuomo says “he has not yet begun to fight Trump” on everything he does

His state, NY, is going to sue DC.

MSN– New York state will take Washington to court to challenge the new Republican tax overhaul, Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Wednesday, calling the new law an unconstitutional assault on states’ rights and New York in particular.

The lawsuit is one of several ways Cuomo, a potential 2020 presidential contender, is positioning New York to lead the opposition to President Donald Trump and Congressional Republicans. He’s also calling for the state to push back on federal attempts to curb environmental protections, immigration and health care spending.

“Our federal government is working to roll back so much of what we have done,” he said in his annual state of the state address to lawmakers in Albany. “We cannot, we must not let those things happen… In the immortal words of John Paul Jones, we have not yet begun to fight, my friends.”


ht/ wiscodave

15 Comments on Gov Cuomo says “he has not yet begun to fight Trump” on everything he does

  1. What Taxpayer said. Nothing like shining a great big ol’ light on yourself by picking a fight with the only guy in gov’t (and the oval, no less) who can perform the Vulcan Death Grip on you.

  2. Cuomo setting himself up for the Presidential run in 2020. That thought should terrify all of middle America into voting Republican.

    Anyway, BS crap. Nobody is stopping him as Governor or anybody else for that matter to do what they want to tax the state into oblivion or make the state an Enivronmentalist whacko utopia dream come true. Just the Feds are not going to require it as they should not.

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