Gov. Huckabee Talks To His Little Girl – IOTW Report

Gov. Huckabee Talks To His Little Girl

Sarah Sanders Issues A Warning Of Things To Come If ‘Reporters Like Acosta Can’t Be Adults’

DC – White House press secretary Sarah Sanders discussed Jim Acosta’s court-sanctioned return to the press corps — and what might happen if the CNN correspondent disrupts future briefings — with her father, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, during a unique Fox News Friday night interview.

Huckabee, filling in for Fox News host Sean Hannity, opened the subject by asking about new White House press corps standards that were going to be implemented in response to Friday’s court order reinstating Acosta’s press credentials.

“We support a free press, but freedom of the press doesn’t mean freedom to be disruptive, freedom to be rude, freedom to interrupt and impede the ability of colleagues from actually being able to do their jobs, as well as White House staff being able to do theirs,” Sanders responded.

Watch the video here.

3 Comments on Gov. Huckabee Talks To His Little Girl

  1. You people do realize, I hope, that this is a definite win for President Trump. Now when somebody whines about getting punished or banned, Sarah can just say, “It’s not the President’s doing. Jim Acosta and CNN asked a Federal Judge to force us to set rules. We’re only complying with CNN’s wishes.”


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