Government Healthcare – IOTW Report

26 Comments on Government Healthcare

  1. I guess that’s one way to get them in and get them out quick like — bam-o! And then the cleaning lady mops the whole floor with one dirty rag on the end of a broom with just water? And then throws the dirty rag back in the bucket? I presume to use after the next victim? Everything and everyone looks cheap, dirty and dismal. *Shudder*

  2. The Boxer Doctor is the best name they could come up with ?

    No Boris Badassanov ? Not even Round House ?

    This is why we win all of the radio contests and Russians are stuck smelling like borscht and failure. Any number of people here would’ve come up with a better name in @ 3 minutes flat.

  3. Details in the article assert the patient kicked a nurse in the abdomen during a procedure out of anger. Doctor then dragged patient off examination table and told him to get lost essentially. Patient decides to confront doctor moments later. Doctor laid him out with one punch probably knocking him unconscious in which patient fell backwards striking head against concrete floor. Patient dead.

    Dumb fuk should have taken the hint and left.

  4. you spend 20 years going to school only to be paid the same or less at a paper pushing government desk jockey- and anyone would wonder why the doc has such a bed side manor?

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