Government Quack Fauci Says Americans Should Be Ready for Possibility of a ‘More Rigid Type of Restriction’ – IOTW Report

Government Quack Fauci Says Americans Should Be Ready for Possibility of a ‘More Rigid Type of Restriction’

Breitbart: Dr. Anthony Fauci over the weekend said Americans need to be “flexible enough to pivot” back to a world with restrictions in place — “more rigid” restrictions, specifically — due to the Chinese coronavirus.

Fauci has used recent media appearances to warn Americans that while trends appear to be going in the right direction, they need to be prepared to bring back coronavirus-era restrictions if public health officials deem it necessary. President Biden’s medical adviser made the same remark during an appearance on BBC’s Sunday Morning program as well, warning that people must be prepared for “a more rigid type of restriction.”

However, he said he does not want to use the word “lockdown” as it is too controversial.

“I don’t want to use the word ‘lockdown’ as that has a charged element to it, but I believe that we must keep our eye on the pattern of what we’re seeing with infections right now,” Fauci said, adding that “we need to be prepared for the possibility that we would have another variant that would come along and then things change.” more

34 Comments on Government Quack Fauci Says Americans Should Be Ready for Possibility of a ‘More Rigid Type of Restriction’

  1. Dr. Fauci needs to read up on Louis XVI and his ilk.

    I am not advocating such a thing, but Fauci needs to be aware of what historically happens to tyrants. I’d be perfectly happy with prison after a fair and open trial as provided for in the Constitution.

  2. RadioMattM
    MARCH 30, 2022 AT 1:24 PM
    “I’d be perfectly happy with prison after a fair and open trial as provided for in the Constitution.”

    …or, the Judge Roy Bean solution, “We’ll give you a fair trial, followed by a first-class hanging”.

  3. This worm needs to show me in the Constitution where “a more rigid type of restriction” of We, the People of the United States, is authorized by We, the People of the United States, by you.

    Fuck Off, Eat Shit, and Die.

    “Keep your forked tongue behind your teeth!”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Will the people go along? Will enough of the people go along? Will we escape the tyrants, even for moments? Will they drop force upon us? Will we bifurcate into compliant and non compliant segregated populations?

  5. Now now, gentlemen. Two officers can take care of this Fauci problem. One to turn off the microphone the other to handcuff the wrists behind the back and (if necessary) a spit shield over his head. Gently …

  6. I’m 66, caught covid back in 2020 and did not go to see a doctor over it.
    I toughed it out and never did I get the jab or a booster.
    Natural immunity has protected me from further infection.
    Biden and Fauci can go fuck themselves.

  7. After 2 years of not seeing my peers we finally all came to the office today….One person who is a Fauci fan had on this mask practically covering his face and did not come to our group meeting he stayed at his desk at webex’d instead…..What a fool….


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