Government Shutdown on Hold for a Few More Weeks – IOTW Report

Government Shutdown on Hold for a Few More Weeks


Top congressional leaders on Capitol Hill struck a partial budget deal to temporarily avert a government shutdown on Wednesday.

Leaders including House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., secured an agreement for six funding bills, four of which were to expire Friday. More

11 Comments on Government Shutdown on Hold for a Few More Weeks

  1. So much for drawing a line in the sand. If they’re not spending us into oblivion they don’t think they’re doing their job. What’s wrong with a government shutdown anyway?

  2. @j6
    Most of government can’t get to work anyway. Northern Virginia’s bus routes have been closed for two weeks due to a Union shake down aka strike.

    That affects absolutely nobody.

  3. Since when has the governmemt ever let “legality” or “lawfulness” direct their actions? Govt drones will get full pay anyway, so they can stay on the job (such as it is).

  4. It’s going to take more than a few weeks for Johnson and the RINOs to find a backbone. I’ve been waiting since Boehner, Ryan, McCarthy and McCONnell ….and now Johnson.

    It ain’t gonna happen in a few weeks more, who are they kidding?

    Shut it down until they actually submit a real conservative budget.

  5. What was the recent debt figure? Something like government spends 1 dollar of debt for every 40 cents in GDP?

    Suppose it could be worse though, we could have negative GDP for each dollar. God help us.

  6. In the era of Trump, of which we still reside, the GOP did not go tribal, they have REMAINED tribal.

    How is it possible that 30% of registered voters say (according to the latest PEW poll) that they will not vote for Trump under any circumstances and of those that will, 37% will change their mind if he is convicted of any of the bullshit trials he is enmeshed in?

    Say what you will about the Dems and their “squad” issues, but when the rubber meets the road, they are monolithic, united, and coalesced behind their primary object, to win. We can never muster that amount of support, it is always bickering and hair pulling, and I can only conclude that the GOP prefers standing on the outside throwing stones. It is easier to carp then to govern.

  7. In all fairness, previously we had the Freedom Caucus. Granted, maybe some alliances we didn’t know about. Now we have the MTG crowd, the Boebert crowd, (who’s son is making John Dillinger look like a piker), the McClintock 3 or 4, the Matt Gaetz peeps, and last but not least the McCarthy clan. Probably the most dangerous of them all. I’m not necessarily disagreeing with you, but I would think you would have to admit it’s gone toxic. And we will get zero wins, even with a Trump presidency, unless these idiots can get their shit together. Dems know what they’re suppose to do, and do it.


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