Governor Grenell, Kind of Has A Nice Ring To It – IOTW Report

Governor Grenell, Kind of Has A Nice Ring To It


It’s still not clear yet if California’s Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom will even face a recall election this year, but if he does, allies of former President Donald Trump are abuzz about one potential candidate: former acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell.

All eyes in Trump-world are on Grenell, who served as U.S. ambassador to Germany before Trump appointed him the first-ever openly gay cabinet member in U.S. history when he ran the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI). More

16 Comments on Governor Grenell, Kind of Has A Nice Ring To It

  1. There’s no Conservative gov possible without getting rid of the legislators and the creeps in charge of the vote (sec of state). Oh, and the AG? lol. Please. I would love to see someone try, though.

  2. he’s no different than any of the other Democrat, Republican, liberal or conservative, they’re all the fucking same. How many times do you have to be fucked over for you to remember? Do you believe we have free and fair elections? Have you forgotten already? Hooray, now a conservative can fuck you over rather than a liberal. There is no representation for your taxation.

  3. I’m sorry, but I believe that homosexuals should not be in engaged in any level of governance….They want to have a dick shoved up their ass fer god’s sake. That’s kind of a bad judgement call, ain’t it?

  4. DAN

    Strong disagree!
    Arnie won 18 years ago. Before GWB convinced him he could be President ( both guys in ‘098 were NOT AMERICAN BORN!) he was the most conservative ever!

    Just some things Gov Arnie did in year 1:
    1. Did any with the new car tax.
    2. Cut Workers’s Comp tax in half
    3. Cut taxpayer subsidy of “wind farms” in half

    Before him a very conservative Pete crushed Brown. Won 3 to 2! BUIT THE LIBERAL CAL GOP DID NOT WANT THE CONSERVATIVE PETE ON THE BALLOT! Had Ronny not worked hard for Pete in the primary we’d had another far left GOP man lose another election!

    The radical left took over the Cal GOP in ’90 and we’ve had nothing but hyper liberals run “R”! And so, of course, since the state voters are conservative, these leftist GOP loose!

    If the far left of the GOP “leadership” does not fight Grenell AS THEy DID DON FOR 6 YEARS, he will win. IF THE GOP PROGRESSIVE “LEADERS” ALLLOW him on the ballot!

    Voters are conservative CAL GOP IS HYPER LIB/PROGRESSIVE!

    repeating for emphasis

    The liberal leaders of the Cal GOP fool some of the people; BUDT NOT ALL OF THE PEOPLE!
    As a general (not universal) rule the “D’ candidate the last 30 years has been the most conservative!
    Grenell is a Barry, Ronny man!

  5. Grenell is an “American Badass”!
    I’d love to see him as a V.P. nominee on a Trump ticket.

    Trump/Grenell 2024
    Restore American Greatness!

  6. I’m with you ChickadeeChinese chicken
    when he was in charge of national intelligence agency,declassified great great number of classified information revealing and exposing the corrupt FBI. He’s a good man, have always liked Rick Grenell

  7. “They’ll move the goal posts at the last minute!”

    If you know they’re going to do it you can be prepared for it with a counter strategy the will take them by surprise and defeat them.

    Unless, of course, you expect to lose and are just making up an excuse to avoid admitting you have no idea how to fight or win in advance of your expected loss.

    Read Sun Tzu and understand.

  8. I’m sure that this string of responses is disturbing to the lefturds trolling the site–we’re touting Ric for Governor and VP. That’s not supposed to be–only THEY are there in solidarity to the gay community–either that or Ric isn’t gay.
    I’d take Ric over Pence any day. Hell, I’d love to see Ric run for POTUS…..and you know that with a Trump endorsement and a clean set of machines, he could be the first openly gay occupant of 1600. (W Bush doesn’t count).


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