Gowdy: I have evidence – IOTW Report

Gowdy: I have evidence


Gowdy: I have evidence I can’t disclose yet of a systematic intent to withhold documents from Congress

U.S. Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., appeared on Fox News Friday and told host Greta Van Susteren that he has proof the Obama administration is deliberately withholding documents related to its response to the attack in Benghazi.


In the wake of Friday’s announcement that the House will vote to establish a select committee to investigate that attack, Gowdy was commenting on Secretary of State John Kerry also being subpoenaed to answer for the State Department failing to produce documents related to the incident.

“Is it bureaucracy, or are they hiding it?” Susteren asked.

“Well, I have evidence that not only are they hiding it, there is an intent to hide it,” Gowdy replied. “I can’t disclose that evidence yet, but I have evidence that there was a systematic, intentional decision to withhold certain documents from Congress.”

“And we’re just sick of it,” he added. “So we’re gonna have him come explain why we’re getting documents 20 months late.”

Gowdy also commented on the benefit of forming a select committee, saying the body would not be limited by jurisdiction and will have subpoena power.



13 Comments on Gowdy: I have evidence

  1. Actually, the best segment of Greta’s interview was when she played the clip of Obumphuk telling his audience that local protesters (like in Ukraine) typically don’t have sophisticated weapons and the organized training to pull off an attack.

    Oops! Her comment was a classic, dead pan, straight faced, “do think he wants a do-over on that, or what?” ZIIIING!

  2. Yeah, Stirrin is right on. The Obama remarks she plays are incredible. Though, hardly surprising given the blinding lack of self-awareness Obama possesses. It never once entered his mind that his remarks regarding Russia’s claims about the Ukraine mirrored his own idiotic claims about Benghazi. He is simply incapable of making that connection.

  3. Should a good prosecutor give away his hole card or keep it close to his chest in order to trap those he is questioning into a series of lies or form a defense? Or maybe he is just ratcheting up the pressure and making the administration freakout.

  4. I believe Trey will get to the bottom of this. He called IRS enforcer Lois Lerner when she tried to plead the 5th after making a statement.

    Watch the dominoes start falling.

  5. I really like Trey Gowdy and I believe he will do a good job, if Boehner lets him.

    This sounds petty, but I really wish he would get control of his hairdo. It changes all the time and is a little weird. I only say this because the left will use anything and everything against him, and ridicule is a potent weapon, particularly with the lofos. The less ammunition we give them the better.

  6. @riverlife_callie, jajaja! He does have goofy hair; but, it looks a heck of a lot better than all of those ding-dongs that keep dyeing theirs. Sooo tired of men with pinkish or orangey highlights in their off color hair dye that does not look right next to their skin.

    Goooo Gowdy!!!!

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