GQ ‘Journalist’ on Pat Smith: ‘I would like to beat her to death’ – IOTW Report

GQ ‘Journalist’ on Pat Smith: ‘I would like to beat her to death’

JWF: The speech by one of Hillary Clinton’s Benghazi victims ruined the night for Chris Matthews, but it really hit home for this tool.

bethlehem shoals

He apparently deleted it and is outraged how anyone could take umbrage with his desire to beat a woman to death.  more

25 Comments on GQ ‘Journalist’ on Pat Smith: ‘I would like to beat her to death’

  1. The family needs to immediately seek an arrest warrant for the uttered lethal threat.

    I’m quite serious. Around here that is considered a “terroristic threat or act”, you will be arrested and will be prosecuted by the state.

    Nathaniel also made the threat under an assumed name which is another charge of concealing identity during the commission of a crime.

  2. This is the voice of the “compassionate left?”

    Reads like rabid socialism, to me.

    I’m a 63 y/o short, fat, lazy, white guy … try me first.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Agatha Kakological July 20, 2016 at 8:21 am

    Twitter is a sewer. No surprise that the excrement is surfacing.

    I don’t use twitter and it is an evil place. However, it brings out people who will show their true colors. If you have to delete something you’ve said, that tells me you’re a coward in the first place. It also shows what the left are – ass wipes.

  4. There was a time when a person gracefully allowed the venting of a frustrated mother.
    No matter how you viewed her frustration on the loss of her child, a polite person would grin and bear it. Anybody doing other wise, well, aren’t they special, bless their heart.

    An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life. – Robert A. Heinlein

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