Graham Calls Bull****! – IOTW Report

Graham Calls Bull****!

11 Comments on Graham Calls Bull****!

  1. Mithrandir, you may be right. Everybody wonders if he’s a closeted gay man, but it could be that all he was keeping in the closet was McCain’s demon.

    Lindsey was under fear of a demonic attack if he gave away the game. Now the demon has lost its host, and the fear is gone. Or, all of the above and Lindsey is gay, too.

  2. Oh, BTW, is it just me, or is it great NOT to hear monotone mealy-mouth Al Franken’s canned whining all over the place as he’s no longer a Senator?

    They dumped him before he could be om record against Trump.


  3. @Thirdtwin

    The other angle is that perhaps Graham, as a lawyer, is disgusted that McCain and his people were instrumental is passing along the Steele dossier and McCain was a bigger scumbag than he thought.

    That plus McCain being thankfully dead may have turned him around.

  4. I think it’s that Graham, along with the vast majority of congressstraitors is a guilty SOB. McCain knew more about his bad deeds than anyone else. With McCain gone he is making a half assed attempt to rehabilitate his reputation.


  5. I’ll cut him some slack. He’s doing a better job than most of the other Republican Senators who were opposed to Donald J. Trump during the early days of his very unlikely candidacy. I think he has wised up a bit about McCain’s treacherous behavior now that the truth about McCain feeding the Steele Dossier to Comey has been more fully revealed. I believe he gets it that there has been a three year attempted coup of President Trump by the Deep Staters. The fact that he’s never been married doesn’t mean he’s a poofter. Nobody has ever produced any evidence by anyone alleging that they were ever his male lover, and Graham has always denied being a practitioner of deviant sexual behavior. Mitt Romney has five sons and he’s a worthless so and so.

  6. Between the Sunday talk shows, Fox News and Sean “tick tock” Hannity’s TV & radio shows it’s no surprise SC isn’t getting any representation by this RINO hack.

    Somebody get Lindsey a whiteboard and marker.


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