Graham – “Much More is Coming” on Out of Control Obama DOJ – IOTW Report

Graham – “Much More is Coming” on Out of Control Obama DOJ

Update via Uncle Al – Sen. Grassley interview-

20 Comments on Graham – “Much More is Coming” on Out of Control Obama DOJ

  1. “Everyone who signed the Carter Page warrant will be ASKED to testify” to the senate committee. ASKED? WTF? Subpoena the bastards, if they don’t show, throw them in jail!

  2. Billy Fuster, in one episode of “Two Fat Ladies” (British cooking show), the ladies were stranded somewhere without transportation. One of the ladies was concerned with how they were going to get where they needed to go. The other lady said, “Something will happen” and continued to sit there smoking her cigarette.

    That optimistic fatalism has been my go-to attitude regarding politics for the last four years. I don’t know how we are going to get from here to there, but…

    Something will happen.

  3. The contrast between Graham and Grassley is stark. Miss Lindsay is in his “trying to act like I’m doing something” mode. I’ve got my problems with Grassley’s actions in the past, but I do believe he was honestly angry in last night’s interview.

    I am woefully tired of these episodes of BOMBSHELL! IT’S GONNA BREAK WIDE OPEN NOW! followed by not even crickets.

  4. More Justice Porn… I’ll believe it when I see it, because it’s pretty goddamn amazing how a Trump ally can be fucked in the ass at light speed by the same DoJ that can’t seem to get a single goddamn motherfucking indictment down on any one of a dozen people who have been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to have committed multiple felonies including Treason.

    Fuck you GOP Senators if you let this happen with no punishment. You are worthless if you let this happen… utterly worthless.

  5. Another load of bullshit. The perpetrators will soon write another book about their higher calling and patriotism and go on tour.
    Meanwhile, Gen. Flynn gets the cash bleeding, non stop, redacted run around. All from those bastards who took an oath to defend and protect the constitution.


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