Great Moments In Bad Ideas – IOTW Report

15 Comments on Great Moments In Bad Ideas

  1. Don’t forget the forced anorexia.
    Having been there at a young age, it ranks right up with climbing the Leaning Tower, transocean flight in a prop plane, and the ESBuilding as far as indelible memories go.
    Showers, isn’t what I would think of as kindly accommodations.
    Zylon B, not just for Jews anymore.

  2. Okay. Are we just being overly sensitive now? It’s in Poland, not in Germany. The Poles didn’t do this to the Jews during WWII, it was Nazi Germany.

    These people were only trying to help overheated tourists stay cool in extreme heat. Can we, as people, not do or say anything anymore? Is everything offensive? I’m sort of sick of all the eggshells…….

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