Greatest American Hero Reboot – IOTW Report

Greatest American Hero Reboot

Well, it could have been worse, the new Greatest American Hero could have been an illegal.

In this redux the hero is a woman, an Indian woman.

This is killing illustr8r, who sent in the story, because I do believe she had a crush on William Katt. (I’ve picked up that vibe from comments in the past.)

Why do I get the feeling that this middling 2 season show, that was best remembered for it’s theme song (Believe It Or Not),  was chosen because the left needs to redefine what it means to to be American. They’re going to make Greatest American Hero great again- with someone as far away from a blonde-haired blue-eyed guy as they could get.

24 Comments on Greatest American Hero Reboot

  1. Hollywood is officially creatively bankrupt. Along with bringing back Roseanne and others today I heard they are bringing back Murphy Brown. With Candice Bergen playing Murphy.

  2. If they’re bringing back Murphy Brown (why?) will they also include Candace Bergen’s wooden dummy brother Charlie McCarthy? And why bring back a crap remake of a show that sucked in the first place? The last sitcom I probably watched and enjoyed was the second Bob Newhart show in the 80’s with Larry, Daryl and this is my other brother Daryl.

  3. Thank god for Hulu and Netflix so that I can switch off broadcast TV and watch the shows as they were and not the reboots written by clueless millennials with agendas and no funny bones.

    The new Greatest American hero is an Indian American, “who loves tequila and karaoke” What?!? Isn’t that more rascist that a white guy?!?

    Harrumph. 😠

  4. Yes yes…William Katt was cute. Connie Sellecca was super pretty and a catchy theme song…I’m just tired of them messing with my childhood TV favorites.

    It took me 2 seasons of the new Battlestar Galactica to accept that they made Starbuck a girl!

  5. There’s a new Battlestar Galactica, I must’ve missed it somehow but then again I don’t watch much TV anymore. What’s next, Gay Father Knows Best, Shove It In Her Beaver, Gunsmoke with either Chester or Festus as Marshall Dillon’s gay lover etc. etc. What a bunch of brain dead, no imagination twits.

  6. I wanna a reboot (sorry Reboot) of “Welcome back Kotter” now set in Kalifornia will illegal kids being taught by a gay retired nfl kneeler who drives a 2018 Ford Bullet Remake and is mentored by Mr. Sulu.

  7. That which has been is that which will be, And that which has been done is that which will be done. So there is nothing new under the sun. Is there anything of which one might say, “See this, it is new”? Already it has existed for ages Which were before us. There is no remembrance of earlier things; And also of the later things which will occur, There will be for them no remembrance Among those who will come later still.
    Ecclesiastes 1:9-11 –

  8. Pulling back, the internet was supposed to help connect people from every walk of life.

    And it can!

    But. People are tribal and left to their own will insulate themselves into warm, safe bubbles.

    Enter Hollyweird. They do not know normal Americans. They only receive dispatches from the hinterlands. They can’t write to represent voices they’ve never heard or cared to hear.

    In fact, its offensive that they even to imagine catering to a bunch of racists, misogynistic, xenophobic, ghost worshipping gun nuts.

    They hate you yet depend on you to make the imaginary world they live in to keep spinning.

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