Green Parties Get a Whoopin’ in Europe – IOTW Report

Green Parties Get a Whoopin’ in Europe

Daily Skeptic

The European election results are in. Last night saw the EU Parliament continue its slow Rightward and populist trajectory. But despite some drama, this was largely confined to a few countries’ ballots, not the continent-wide rejection of the ‘globalist’ mainstream that some had predicted. The clues from this election about the future direction of European climate politics are similarly mixed, with the hard green vote falling sharply but centrist parties committed to the green agenda gaining ground.

The big dramas of the night were caused at the national, not European, level. Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo resigned following the country’s coincident federal election which saw large gains for conservative and anti-immigration parties. Similarly, following a huge gain by the National Rally party of Marine Le Pen, which, according to provisional results, increased its seats from 18 to 30, President Macron called a snap general (parliamentary) election in an attempt to restore his weakening authority. In Germany, the ascendent Alternative für Deutschland saw a modest gain from nine to 15 seats. The much-feared rise of the radical Right, in the form of the Identity and Democracy (ID) group, was somewhat muted. The group gained nine seats, increasing its total to 58. The European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) group gained four seats. more

6 Comments on Green Parties Get a Whoopin’ in Europe

  1. More and more people are catching on the fact that the so-called Green Initiative is all about the GREEN MONEY and that it is really better termed as “Green Theft”! Some of the whacko ideas that have been hatched by these numbnutz have had worse effects on the environment than having done nothing at all… aside from the fact that China is wielding it as a tool for weakening the West!

    Aaaaaaaaaannd at the end of the day we’re all left wondering what the fuck happened to all our resources and money??


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