Greenpeace Angered by China’s Coal-Fired Building Boom – IOTW Report

Greenpeace Angered by China’s Coal-Fired Building Boom

China has approved a major surge in coal power so far this year, prioritising [SIC] energy supply over its pledge to reduce emissions from fossil fuels, Greenpeace said Monday.

The world’s second-largest economy is also its biggest emitter of the greenhouse gases driving climate change, such as carbon dioxide (CO2), and China’s emissions pledges are seen as essential to keeping global temperature rise well below two degrees Celsius.

The jump in approvals for coal-fired power plants, however, has fuelled concerns that China will backtrack on its goals to peak emissions between 2026 and 2030 and become carbon-neutral by 2060. More

14 Comments on Greenpeace Angered by China’s Coal-Fired Building Boom

  1. Carbon Dioxide is core to the entire life cycle of Earth. It is *not* a ‘greenhouse gas’. But most know that around here I would think.

    I wonder where Greenpeas were after the train derailment / largest pollution disaster in American history in East Palenstine? Aren’t allowed to go after the Biden regime it seems.

    Just like NOW not railing against men ruining sports for women.

    The insanity continues…

  2. I burn anthracite because it is hotter and cheaper than other heating methods (for my home). Yes, I had to make it work for my home. Yes, I had to get the right burner. Yes, I had to make the chimney, and cut the hole in the roof. And I better still have to go to bed. I will be calling people bad names if I don’t go to bed.

  3. I think they should go hang from bridges in China in protest like they did in England.

    Because the Chinese will let them hang there for a good long while.

    After repositioning the rope slightly.

  4. Wyoming and West Virginia angered at greenpeace and Potatohead because they’ve been robbed of the economic opportunity to sell them cleaner burning coal than India does.

  5. Hey, Greenies. PLEASE go to China and block streets, chant catchy phrases, in Chinese of course, cause damage and make trouble just like you do in Western countries. People will pay decent money for your organs…

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