Greta Thunberg Nominated For Nobel Peace Prize – IOTW Report

Greta Thunberg Nominated For Nobel Peace Prize

NBC News

Two lawmakers in Sweden have nominated Swedish teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg for the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize.

Jens Holm and Hakan Svenneling, who are both members of Sweden’s Left Party, said Monday that Thunberg “has worked hard to make politicians open their eyes to the climate crisis” and “action for reducing our emissions and complying with the Paris Agreement is therefore also an act of making peace.” More

27 Comments on Greta Thunberg Nominated For Nobel Peace Prize

  1. “Act like as if you loved your children above all else.” So pretend??
    Like I wrote elsewhere, if Greta were a boy her name would be Damien. So love her like that. In fear for your life. Nice message.

  2. I couldn’t think of a more appropriate nominee for what this prize has become.
    Although it casts a pall over some deserving people who have won it. Malala for one, who literally put her life on the line for a desire to learn. And, well, I looked at the list and not certain of any others.

  3. How better to stamp the Nobel Peace Prize with a further ill-repute?
    Obola before his inauguration and Thunberg before peace has broken out?

    What a fukkin joke.


    She’ll fit right in.
    Murderers and frauds.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. @Left Coast Dan February 4, 2020 at 9:28 am

    > Although it casts a pall over some deserving people who have won it.

    It shines a light on all the deserving people who have won it.

  5. It’s been an exclusive club these last several years, the committee scouring the planet to find the most repulsive and reprehensible sub-human scum possible to adorn with the prize.

  6. complying with the Paris Agreement is therefore also an act of making peace.”

    I guess the DNC is also going to win it. I mean, if raising taxes and stealing from citizens at gunpoint is an act of peace….

  7. Ah, the unassailable Leftist child battering ram and human shield against any critique of the AGW/CC hoax.

    Why is it that fascists, communists, and muslim terrorists use children to do their dirty work? Could it be because they are pure evil and child sacrifices are what their master, Satan, demands of them?

  8. …it’s no stupider than the one they gave Barry the Indonesian, and at least she’s getting it under her actual name…

    …also, while what she’s done is stupid, at least she did SOMETHING. This is ALSO more than Soetoro did for HIS, which was be Black and prepared to wreck America…

  9. Anybody can be nominated. All it takes are two elected officials (Senators, Congressmen, Members of Parliament and the like) to try to make some headlines for themselves. There’s no way this little Stepford child will win after the debacle of Obama’s victory (and of his refusal to give it back) still fills the nostrils with a stench of political manipulation.

  10. They gave one to General Yassir Arafat for his continuing war on Israel, Al Gore for a documentary whose every statement was a lie and whose every prediction failed to occur, and 0’Bama for doing nothing.

    In the year Ronald Reagan ended the Cold War and freed the world from the fear of nuclear annihilation, they gave the Nobel Peace Prize to… Doctors Without Borders. The world’s biggest snub.

    The Nobel Peace Prize is worthless.

  11. @Geoff

    I nominate that The Nobel Peace Prize should be renamed the Nobel Snot Rocket Prize to reflect the quality of the last few winners.

    About Greta Thunbooger being nominated, I completely expected it.

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