Greta Thunberg slams Biden – IOTW Report

Greta Thunberg slams Biden

Sara A. Carter:

Greta Thunberg, the world-famous Swedish teen environmental activist, said President Joe Biden is not going far enough to “treat the climate crisis like a crisis,” accusing him of being “not nearly enough in line with the science” on the issue.

During an MSNBC interview Sunday night to discuss Biden, whom she endorsed in the 2020 presidential election, on how his administration is handling climate change thus far, Thunberg was asked by host Mehdi Hasan how she would grade the commander-in-chief on climate issues.

“​Well, you shouldn’t take that from me, I’m just a teenager, so I’m not—I don’t have the mandate to sort of give grades like that. My opinions on this doesn’t matter​,” the 18-year-old activist said. more here

25 Comments on Greta Thunberg slams Biden

  1. Someone should take her to the virtual woodshed and beat the crap out of her. Of course he/she would be accused of child abuse. If she wants to stick her nose in this game she better be prepared to get it smashed. Not that there is anyone in our govt. who would do it.

  2. This non credentialed pied piper/snake oil peddler has a brilliant future, thanks to the moron cult followers her and her handlers have cultivated. She’s taking a page right out of fellow con artist, Al Gore, who has made millions spewing climate nonsense. There’s a sucker born every minute.

  3. She needs to meet a real man. Which I doubt will ever happen, because a real man would run the other way. It’s a shame she will never know what she has missed. By 18 I was married and had our first child. She’s 18 going on 6.


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