Griner is Not a Man? – IOTW Report

Griner is Not a Man?

23 Comments on Griner is Not a Man?

  1. What passes for a “celebrity” nowadays speaks volumes about our culture, its sustainability, and its longevity. When folks like Griner, Kaepernick, Dylan Mulvaney, The View shrews, AOC, and all mental illness sufferers who think they are something they are not, when they become symbols that represent our society and its best face forward, it provides a great template for evaluating its worth.

    Barrack Obama has the most Twitter followers (as of Jan. 2023) in the world. What does this tell us? Is he prescient, calming, or inclusive, does he embrace any real affection for his country or his fellow citizens? Is he an uniter, a great thinker, a philosopher, or a diviner of any real insight or truth? No, he is a race hustler, always has been, and benefits from division, chaos, and despair.

    Griner is a ghetto thug. If she was not tall she would be a meth addict, a prison rat, or a baby momma with 7 kids from 5 different fathers. She obtained some social capital from her unfair incarceration but even that was of her own making.

  2. Huh. Body frame like a man, male voice, face of a woman, no protruding male genitalia. Is she trans? Just unusual? Genetically different than normal?

    Inquiring minds DON’T WANT TO KNOW.

  3. A while back, I saw a photo of “Brittney” stripped to the waist. A that point I knew for certain this WAS NO WOMAN! Somewhat muscular and absolutely NO BOOBS WHATSOEVER!! ou’ll never convince me otherwise.

  4. It is emblematic of our time. It is a ball bouncer who is paid to do so. Let that sink in for a moment. A person who is being paid somewhat large money to bounce, throw and catch a ball. It is also a particular color, skin wise. It isn’t what Africans call black at all, nor is it what Europeans call white. Its sex is frankly indeterminate, could be either or neither or for that matter, both. It is involved in criminal activity because it possesses the above characteristics and believes they will shield it from the results of its actions.
    The way it is emblematic of our time is that these characteristics for some reason are important enough to consider, even for a moment. We are an unserious people living in prosperity we did no real work to attain. We do work to maintain that prosperity, some of us, but we, to paraphrase a particularly nasty mulatto, apparent pervert and ex president, did not build that.

  5. There is such a thing as a XXY “true” transexual. That’s Griner. I was once in the foyer of American West arena (or whatever the ‘eff they call it now) And I saw a display of her wingspan, which is over 7ft. And I thought “That’s an impossible wingspan for a woman.” So I knew something dint add up.

    Another clue was she wasn’t on the 2012 Olympic Team. Now was that a coaches decision to go with the 12th best female scorer in America as opposed to the greatest shot blocker in the history of woman’s basketball or was it because there was still a genetic test for women. We report; you decide.

    But shes not a man. She is surprisingly weak in her upper body; nowhere near as strong as a man of similar dimensions. That happens when a person reaches the limit that the human (or female) body allows. You lose structural integrity

  6. Think about it. Why are there lots of seven footers but almost nobody over 7’4″ in the NBA? Because structural integrity decreases drastically as you go over 7’2 or so


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