Guess the Reader – IOTW Report

Guess the Reader

Our last reader was The Duke of iOTWreport himself, Doc.

Here is our next reader-


40 Comments on Guess the Reader

  1. whoever it is had a lot of sand to remove from various parts.

    its friday, so I’ll guess

    btw, i spent most of yesterday constantly checking iotw for the newest guess the reader because i didnt want to miss it, and totally missed the Doc thread. seriously.

  2. Yet another young beauty.. This one (Zonga or MJA) is stuck in a land slide and screaming for help.. Appears to have a good attitude about her circumstance though.

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  3. @ Today’s Mystery Guest…..There was an activity that we had in Elementary/Jr. High school called ‘Skittin’…..It involved getting a mouth full of water and squeezing it out of your teeth at unsuspecting victims.

    Those with less gaps looks like a crushed garden hose and those with better to best gaps looked like a fire hose…,I’m guessing’ your real name is Lisa Blue….she was my first Lauren Hutton…


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