Guess who got the NY Times’ endorsement? – IOTW Report

Guess who got the NY Times’ endorsement?

john kasich funny face

Ooh lookitchoo!
You GO, Boy!

This isn’t an endorsement. This is categorically a chronicle of reasons not to vote for John Kasich.

And yet, Kasich, rather than hanging his head in mortified horror, is excitedly quivering like a spastic colon over the not-so-coveted New York Times endorsement.  – Story @ Patriot Retort

23 Comments on Guess who got the NY Times’ endorsement?

  1. Oh yeah. Time to start measuring for those drapes in the Oval Office, John. What could possibly stand in your way?

    NYT blows. They constantly beg for me to subscribe. If this were the old days, where they were sending response envelopes in the mail, ‘no postage necessary’, I’d be mailing them back empty, or better yet with my own editorial content to deplete their dwindling resources.

  2. Meanwhile, over at “Newsbusters” there’s an article about the MSM “touting” Trump based on raw coverage time statistics.

    If Trump does carry the day it will be a major victory against both the overtly globalist MSM and covertly globalists “New Media”.

  3. Despite the endorsement from fish wrapper press, he got a lot done.
    I don’t think he’s Presidential material, but he’s a good Governor.
    At least he doesn’t whistle his ‘S’s at the end of his words like that asshole in the White House.

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