UPDATED- Guest Post – Dr. David Dinkweaver – What Does the Word “RACIST” Mean? – IOTW Report

UPDATED- Guest Post – Dr. David Dinkweaver – What Does the Word “RACIST” Mean?

Some of you mentioned that “racist” is spouted when the person has no logical argument. I believe you are correct. I’ve engaged with many people by asking a simple question, and when they have no logical answer, they may use the “racist” word or some other ad hominem attack.

Let me know what you think about my articles so I can determine what to write about next.


I’m actually thinking about “white supremacy” and “white privilege” as those seem to be used as often as “racist”.

What does the word “racist” mean?  It is used so flippantly today that it seems to have lost all meaning. 

Want to prevent people from coming across the border illegally?  RACIST!!!

Want to wear a hat that says, “Make America Great again”?  RACIST!!!

Want to walk down the street waving an American Flag?  RACIST!!!

Want to stop people coming from China that might be infected with the China virus?  RACIST!!!

Want people to protest peacefully without rioting, looting, and destroying property?  RACIST!!!

Want to acknowledge that most police shooting incidents involve resisting arrest?  RACIST!!!

I think the word “racist” is giving “run” a run for its money as the word in the dictionary with the most definitions.  See what I did there?

The electoral college is now racist and supports white supremacy according to some people.  It’s absurd.

How does one prove they’re not a “racist”?

If I’m white and I give my African American neighbor a ride to work, does that mean I’m not a racist?

If half of the employees of my company are minorities, does that mean I’m not a racist?

If I donate money and time to organizations that support minorities, does that mean I’m not a racist?

If I am black, and I helped my white neighbor install a fence in his yard, does that mean I’m not a racist?

I had the good fortune to spend some time taking with a female sheriff’s officer this week. She’s completed 21 years on the force. She talked about how hard it is on the streets today and how there is little respect for law enforcement. She described how criminals will bait them to get a pay day.  

I asked, “You mean to say that they are purposely acting a certain way to cause a problem so they can make a complaint?”

“Absolutely!,” she said.  

She described a recent encounter where the officers arrived on the scene only to find that there was already someone standing off to the side videoing. The person was prepared before they arrived,  apparently hoping to catch something on camera that could be used in a civil suit.

I told her I had seen video after video of police officers doing their jobs, trying to make a peaceful arrest, only to encounter resistance.

We agreed that once the words “you are under arrest” are uttered it is too late to go back. At that point an arrest is going to be made no matter what, and that is where “comply and you won’t die” comes into play. 

She said, “At the end of the day, I am going home that night.”  If she is being threatened and hit by a perpetrator, she is going to defend herself with force.  

Did I mention she is African American?  

There are always two sides to the story. 

Previous post by Dr. Dinkweaver – Comply And You Won’t Die.

27 Comments on UPDATED- Guest Post – Dr. David Dinkweaver – What Does the Word “RACIST” Mean?

  1. It’s true… if a liberal has no valid argument against a point you made ….. or they simply lack the brain cell count, they spew this “magic” word. You could state you like Dodge better than a Prius and be called racist. Racist is a magic word of sorts…. if they say that….. it lets makes you aware they lack the capacity to engage in a healthy conversation.

  2. Racism is any preference to associate with members of your own race over members of a different race.

    If most of your friends and acquaintances, or your girlfriend or spouse, or the people living in your neighborhood are the same race you are then you are racist and should be ashamed of yourself.

  3. The term “Racism” in the 21st century has been reduced to a meaningless term. Just like the Nobel Peace Prize has been turned into an absolute joke, Leftists have over-used and abused the term “racism” to the point where it means nothing except ignorance and hated on the part of the user. It’s become a false flag to riot, loot and bash Whites with.

  4. From “Through The Looking Glass”:

    “When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean- neither more nor less.”
    “The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.”
    “The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be master-that’s all.”

  5. Trump is scared shitless to join gab or parler because they might call him a racist for being on those platforms.

    It is time to start over with a new party and it does not include trump. He can stay with the republicans.

    Of what use is a party, even with trump, who will only do and say what the criminally, sexual deviant, corrupt left says you can do?

    They can send covid patients into nursing homes and kill people and then tell you to get fucked if you don’t like it.
    We can’t join a social media site because the left doesn’t like that site.


    First, who cares if they call you a racist. It is no more illegal to be a racist than it is to be a queer.

    IF they don’t have to tolerate racists, then why do we have to tolerate queers and trannies in the girls bathroom.

    The left can kiss my ass and the rinos can kiss it, too.

  6. I have been called a racist by many of my family members. It is because I speak the truth. I laugh in their faces when they call me racist. I explain to them (in words they don’t understand due to poor education in public schools) that the bold truth is something that should be taken honestly and not shrugged off. If they think I am racist, that is on them. I feel sorry for them but I always say fuck ’em if they can’t take a joke or the truth.

  7. The issue of racism is very relevant in today’s world, but not everyone perceives it correctly. I studied this question carefully when writing my essay on this topic. I even turned for help to the Essayvikings service, which I found through a review at essayreviewexpert and they helped me write a quality and professional essay. If you are interested in this and would like to read it, you can contact me at wobona9140@jentrix.com and I will be happy to share this wonderful essay with you.

  8. Some of you mentioned that “racist” is spouted when the person has no logical argument. I believe you are correct. I’ve engaged with many people by asking a simple question, and when they have no logical answer, they may use the “racist” word or some other ad hominem attack.

    Let me know what you think about my articles so I can determine what to write about next.

    I’m actually thinking about “white supremacy” and “white privilege” as those seem to be used as often as “racist”.

  9. As I mentioned previously, “Racist” is the knee-jerk retort for anything the Left doesn’t have a cogent argument for.
    OTOH, White Supremacy is now a shield for Progrssives to hide behind.

  10. Dr David Dinkweaver,

    White supremcist/nationalist seems to be a nuanced way of calling someone a racist. Domestic terrorist/extremist/insurgent is being thrown around a lot these days as well.

  11. Since you reposted this @BFH:

    Let’s take a look at some other words that used to be relevant BEFORE the term ‘racists’ became part of the neo moderne lexicon.

    What does ‘discriminate’ mean?
    What does ‘prejudice’ mean?

    I would argue that we are not, in general, racists, BUT we certainly do discriminate and show prejudice or some form of the opposite in favoritism just about EVERY day in our lives. Jesse Jackson of ALL people taught that.

    By saying that he would cross the street IF he saw some hoodlums coming at him on the SAME side of the street.

    That is showing discriminatory and prejudicial behavior.

    And, how many ‘races’ are there btw?

    The good Dr., if he has not already, should look up poverty rates from 1960 onward as it relates to black and whites. From the mountains of W Virginia to the projects of the South Bronx and Harlem.

    Also, please reference and read Dr Sowell in your work.

    He has been talking about this for 55 years…

    This is more about $$$ and economic status more than skin color.

    IT’s the green, the size of the pie and the slice.

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