Gun Free Zone Today in Chattanooga – IOTW Report

Gun Free Zone Today in Chattanooga

26 Comments on Gun Free Zone Today in Chattanooga

  1. Well actually he never went inside. So I guess the sign worked. Every current and X military person should be armed. Hell we should all be armed. Think I’ll go hang out at the mall tonight.

  2. Sorry but islam is a demonic, false, as well as a foreign religion that the founders never would have considered real religion.

    Muslims need to renounce their religion or face mass removal.

    All Muslims need to be removed from the country.

    People! We are at war with the muhammadans and it won’t end unless we gird our loins and destroy them.

    The only good muslim is a bad muslim. If you know what I mean

  3. Cock suckin, mother fuckin sons of blue balled bitches! Again? If I’m not mistaken, those Marines were unarmed by order of our leaders. Like the Pakistani City name…Islam-is-bad! Death to Mohammed, pig fucker that he is.

  4. My gun ain’t free but… I’ll sure as hell give the bad guy or gal the lead that’s in it for free, in response to proper provocation.

    Laws that forbid the carrying of arms… disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes… Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man. –Jefferson’s “Commonplace Book,” 1774_1776, quoting from On Crimes and Punishment, by criminologist Cesare Beccaria, 1764

  5. It is telling that during the last presidential inaugural parade the Marines weren’t allowed to have firing pins in their rifles………………because????? Could be just a rumor, but look at the prez…….

  6. @Unslung Hero,

    I don’t doubt that. During the “BJ” Clinton years, law enforcement officers pictured with BJ, didn’t have ammo in their weapons. This is where I gained respect for President Bush (at least on this issue):

    I escorted my partner’s widow to the law enforcement memorial in May of 2002, after 9/11. Met a bunch of great guys and many from NY Port Authority and NYPD.

    The Secret Service was asked about being armed for the Presidential Address. They said they would check with President Bush. When they came back, they told us that President Bush didn’t have an issue and didn’t have a reason not to trust the LEO’s of our nation. Of course, that was followed with the caveat from the Secret Service of: If something happens, let us handle it. If you reach for your weapon, the snipers on the roof of the capitol aren’t going to have time to pick and chose their targets.


    If for nothing else, I have always respected President Bush for that.

  7. Well, it’s here. Terrorism has come to America. This is only the beginning. None of us are safe now. Who knows when and where the next crackpot Islamic extremest is going to strike. And they don’t have to be from anywhere in particular: converts! I guess this means watching my back from now on.

  8. In case you haven’t noticed, it’s the Old West again. I carry the truth on my hip and I work at proficiency every night. Power to be have transgressed until the average patriot will no longer take their rules and laws seriously. You can only be slapped so many times. So we’ve regressed to a 1960’s Western. And honest to god I’m good with that.

  9. I won’t be wronged, I won’t be insulted, I won’t be laid a hand on. I don’t do these things to other people, and I require the same from them. ~JB Books (John Wayne, “The Shootist”)

  10. Yea see, that right there is the wrong frame of mind. Happy Hunting Bro. Remember a Radicalized Muslim wants to kill you. A moderate Muslim wants to see him do it. Game on.

  11. Deport EVERY SINGLE MUSLIM IN THE US TODAY. Send them back to what ever shithole they fled from.

    You’ll save american lives. Somebody tell me the downside. And I’ll tear that argument to pieces.

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