Gun Grabber Congressman Doesn’t Know What He’s Grabbing – IOTW Report

Gun Grabber Congressman Doesn’t Know What He’s Grabbing

Gun-Grabbing Congresscritter Cannot Explain Why Guns With Barrel Shrouds Should Be Banned.

Question: If congress banned “race cars” would they ban this car?-


Probably. All those shrouds and stuff. The air intake on that hood indicates the engine requires lots of oxygen to run lean and mean.



16 Comments on Gun Grabber Congressman Doesn’t Know What He’s Grabbing

  1. It’s generally anything that makes a progtard pee their panties or causes them to have to buy a new pair because their bunghole pinched off some fabric.

    There is no logic to their irrational fear of self-defense. They are just cowards.

  2. @UR It’s not an irrational fear of self-defense per se but an irrational fear of facing armed proles when the progs have finally pissed them off enough to start shooting. It’s easier to try and get the govt to disarm everybody first “for our safety”. I honestly don’t think they realize there are, quite literally, millions of guns out there that aren’t on some BATF master list that were acquired before the fairly recent advent of colonoscopic arms purchases. Try as they might, they’ll never, ever get them all.

  3. It is long past time to cease to be polite to the willfully stupid.
    Someday soon a News Anchor will say:
    “What the hell did you just say?, Are you out of your damn mind? You come on MY show and expect to run that line of crap? Not only is that a painfully obvious lie, I think you are a damned imbecile for trying to get away with that crap”
    And I shall bask in the cool sea of contentment

  4. That, my friends, is an illegal Street Racer! Just consider those aluminum foil wheel covers, when blasting along at speeds requiring aero-aides, they are the ultimate defense against radar speed detection!

  5. My fav new poster states:

    Law abiding gun owners have 270 million guns, (that killed no one today); they have almost 13 trillion rounds of ammo.

    If we were the problem, it would be very well known by now!

  6. In light of recent events here in California a group that I know well has set up a FB page in an effort to try and link up California Tactical and competitive shooters. It’s by invite only but that doesn’t stop the random Lib from getting in. Yesterday some dumb ass was going off about evil guns and that lady in Houston (I think) that shot and killed her children. So I link the story about the mother who stabbed her four kids to death and ask him now what. No impact. That’s the short version, it when on for a while and I got called every name in the book by this clown. But it’s a waste of time trying to educate a LIB.

  7. Yes Brad, or the woman who drove her two tots in the lake and drowned them. Where there’s a will there’s a way. And as Shane told the kid in the movie, “a gun is only a tool son, no different that any other tool.”
    The prog morons can’t seem to grasp that fact, or maybe they just don’t want to.. Power is their goal; power over the people.
    Happy 4th of July all I’m off to a B-B-Q.

  8. Re: that gun owner poster. Sorry, got carried away trying to scare the dhimmis! 🙂 If I could find it again, I’d share.

    13 Billion, rounds of ammo, perhaps… (?) That might be right considering hunting folk often just keep a couple boxes of the game rounds. Sure seems like “we” should bring the average up some more though, 50 is a mere trifle!

  9. Some of my neighbors have guns, but not all of them do. Maybe I own a gun, but maybe not. A couple of my neighbors are police and/or military trained, and some of us spend time training with our weapons.

    The point is that while not everyone in our neighborhood is armed, many are and we definitely do not live in a gun free zone. So if someone wants to break into a home around here, they are taking a chance. Maybe the occupants will be armed, but maybe not. Maybe the intruder will be able to leave without running into someone armed, but maybe (probably) not. Police response time for our neighborhood is, according to the police themselves, pretty bad – but that would be the least of an intruder’s worries.

    That uncertainty in the minds of potential criminals is the best deterent. There are lots of gun free zones in southern California, and that’s where a lot of crime takes place. But where I live isn’t one of them, and even non-gun owners feel safer.

  10. @Gojira, of course you are right about their fear of armed patriots. They are not really anti-gun, they just want to have all the guns on their side so they can force people to listen to their sick BS ideas and try to make people comply with their insane rules and regulations.

    Mentally ill control freaks. Demon possessed.

  11. Trillion rhymes with billion. Somebody slipped a tooth. 13 _billion_ I could buy; that works out to an average of 48 rounds per weapon. I,d even buy 130 billion, or an average of 473 rounds per weapon. But, as was mentioned, 13 trillion is not feasible.. That would be 39,394 rounds for every man, woman, and child in the country!

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